Teach 36 children with limited English to read

by Pennsylvania Diversity Children's Organization
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read
Teach 36 children with limited English to read

Project Report | Dec 17, 2015
Literacy Master Map Program Winter 2015

By Tetyana Varenychenko | Project Leader

          The students in our Literacy Master Map Program continue to benefit from current educational strategy objectives to develop confident readers who enjoy, understand and grow emotionally and academically through reading. The program fills the gap left by empty book shelves in so many contemporary homes, a concern detailed by Professor Watkins at the University of Texas, who says that today’s digital age kids who are not growing up in a household full of print books do not have the experience of discovery, the joyful accident of just opening something because it’s there, just waiting to be revealed and read.  Their exposure to reading matter and books is severely limited.  A 2014 study which measured the impact of the size of home libraries on the reading level of 15-year-old students across 42 nations, controlling for wealth and parents’ education and occupations, shows that, after G.N.P., the quantity of books in one’s home was the most important predictor of reading performance.  The greatest effect was seen in libraries of about 100 books, which resulted in about 1.5 extra years of grade-level reading performance.  Libraries and literacy matter even more than money.            

            Penndco has just put a classic into the hands of its literary master readers, a book which they would not have stumbled across in their parents’ library, but, which they have discovered through our program because of our donors’ commitment to literacy.

            Penndco parents, who are eager to give their child every academic advantage, know full well that they can trust the Penndco program to supplement and support their family’s devotion to education.  The parents trust the reading instructor to guide their youngsters toward those literary experiences that they know are critical to developing an appreciation of the well crafted literary expression as well as practicing skills inspired by the literature.

            This winter term, our students were curious about the title of our new book, Animal Farm, the 1945 classic by George Orwell.  They immediately understood the double meaning of the title and have quickly grasped the irony of the story in which farm animals label the humans as parasites in their plan to overtake the farm operation.  This simple and tragic story of how totalitarianism corrupts ideals is a sophisticated opportunity for our young scholars to talk about recent European history after having just finished our autumn semester book by Avi, The Fighting Ground, which invited them to learn more about the founding of the United States.  Both books disparage the promise of violence as a way to find honor and repair social ills.

            The values of rigorous honesty and societal protections will be promoted as we grapple with the themes of Animal Farm.  Students will acquire 75 SAT level vocabulary items as well as an introduction to junior high school level sentence analysis and paragraph structure culminating in three-paragraph short essay production practice.

            Joyful, thoughtful weekly classes promote joyful, meaningful reading experiences at home and culminate in students whose verbal and written skills reinforce their emotional, social and academic growth.


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Sep 16, 2015
Literacy Master Map Program Fall 2015

By Claire Green | Reading Specialist

Jun 15, 2015
Literacy Master Map Program

By Tetyana Varenychenko | Project Leader

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Organization Information

Pennsylvania Diversity Children's Organization

Location: Huntingdon Valley, PA - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @PENNDCO
Project Leader:
Tetyana Varenychenko
Huntingdon Valley , PA United States
$40,575 raised of $42,000 goal
243 donations
$1,425 to go
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