Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests

by Asociacion Cultural Na Bolom
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests

Project Report | Jun 25, 2021
Together we can do more

By Patricia Lopez | Na Bolom's General Director

Receiving books for workshop
Receiving books for workshop

Teaching the children how to create and protect the forests is centred on recovering the tradition of caring for nature and producing wood to cover their needs. We work with different communities focusing on recovering their tradition and ancient knowledge of the love for mother nature. This project was born because the elders told us that their grandchildren don't know and don't want to know their traditions. They have forgotten the importance of the trees and mother nature. Deforestation has to do with this. We base our way of living on the use of wood. 

Communities need wood for cooking and building, even for their crafts. We can not forbid them to use it, so we have to understand their needs and teach them how to continue their traditions and to find a balance to protect the woods. We work with the communities listening to their interests. In Mitontic, a tseltal community in the highlands of Chiapas, they produce coffee. They came to us asking for oak trees that they need for their coffee fields. 

The first step in 2020 was the reforestation of the area with oak trees we produced in Na Bolom's nursery. Then the community agreed to enter the program and we built a nursery of their grounds in the first trimester of 2021 thanks to GlobalGiving accelerator. In the second trimester, we did some training and brought coffee experts to teach them how to improve their production and select better seeds. We also did the follow up of the oak trees.

Thanks to the collaboration of another NGO in Mexico City, Casa Gallina, we did a workshop with the kids and took some books in Spanish and tseltal that Casa Gallina edited to gift the children. During the workshop the kids did a reflection on the difference between life in the city and life in the countryside and the importance of the living creatures. They also learnt about the impact the trash has of their surroundings and what happens in your body when you eat junk food. In the end, they did some drawings showing why they like to live in their communities. The children told us they don't like the life in the city cause cities are too crowded and polluted.

The community built a second nursery where they are growing trees with the seeds they collected in the surroundings. They also participated in a workshop on the selection of the seeds. All the activities are organized with the participation of the kids and the parents.

The next step will be to teach them how to grow the plants and have the first production for next year reforestation.

The last weekend of June we will be building another trees nursery in Zinacantan.


Drawing life in the countryside
Drawing life in the countryside
Visiting the first productions
Visiting the first productions
Learning on how to improve the coffee's quality
Learning on how to improve the coffee's quality

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Organization Information

Asociacion Cultural Na Bolom

Location: San Cristobal de Las Casas - Mexico
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @MuseoNaBolom
Project Leader:
Delina Paniagua
San Cristobal de Las Casas , chiapas Mexico

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