Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests

by Asociacion Cultural Na Bolom
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests
Teaching children in Chiapas how to grow forests

Project Report | Jan 16, 2022
Nothing will stop us

By Patricia lopez | Project leader

Zinacantan group at Yo'onik
Zinacantan group at Yo'onik

2021 was a huge challenge for us. 

Not only the pandemic and the economics have made it harder, the insecurity  on the roads in Chiapas made visits to the communities more dangerous and difficult. So it was necessary to adapt and find other ways to continue with the project. Schools are still closed, so we have been collaborating with adults and families in small groups.

We keep visiting the nurseries in Mitontic and Zinacantan. In Zinacantan. We work at the premises of the Yo'onik association that has an afterschool program for children. 

The kids are so interested in learning new things, that even though the seeds are  already growing into plants, they keep on bringing other species so we need to keep teaching them how to grow and take care of them.

At the same time we continue learning other techniques and improving the ones we already know. Thanks to volunteers with other expertises such as soil preparation, we are learning other ways  to prepare a richer earth to plant our seeds.

We bought the materials to build another 4 nurseries in schools in the Lacandon Forest area, but unfortunately we don't know if we will be able to go and start the project as the schools are closed and the roads have been blocked constantly, so in the next days we will decide if we should pick campuses closer to San Cristobal. We are convinced that every action matters and even if we are not able to follow the plan exactly as we were hoping the most important thing for us is to keep working, but in a way that is safe and secure for our team and the communities during these troubled times of pandemic and violence.

We need to grow more money to continue this amazing project. We will highly appreciate if you can share our project with your friends.

Children preparing the soil to put the seeds
Children preparing the soil to put the seeds
Using tetrapak to recycle
Using tetrapak to recycle
Filling the "bags"
Filling the "bags"
We learn other techniques to improve soil quality
We learn other techniques to improve soil quality
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Organization Information

Asociacion Cultural Na Bolom

Location: San Cristobal de Las Casas - Mexico
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @MuseoNaBolom
Project Leader:
Delina Paniagua
San Cristobal de Las Casas , chiapas Mexico

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