Change to organic farm for air pollution in Thai

by A-PAD KOREA (Asia Pacific Alliance for Disaster Management)
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Change to organic farm for air pollution in Thai
Change to organic farm for air pollution in Thai
Change to organic farm for air pollution in Thai
Change to organic farm for air pollution in Thai
Change to organic farm for air pollution in Thai
Change to organic farm for air pollution in Thai
Change to organic farm for air pollution in Thai
Change to organic farm for air pollution in Thai
Change to organic farm for air pollution in Thai
Change to organic farm for air pollution in Thai
Change to organic farm for air pollution in Thai
Change to organic farm for air pollution in Thai
Change to organic farm for air pollution in Thai
Change to organic farm for air pollution in Thai
Change to organic farm for air pollution in Thai
Change to organic farm for air pollution in Thai
Change to organic farm for air pollution in Thai
Change to organic farm for air pollution in Thai
Change to organic farm for air pollution in Thai
Change to organic farm for air pollution in Thai
Change to organic farm for air pollution in Thai


The population of 60,000 in Lampang Province, Thailand suffers from fine dust pollution caused by the construction of the slash-and-burn field. We try to solve this problem by introducing the organic farming model of Hug Nam Jang in Nakwaokiew Town, Lampang Province, Thailand. The project is expected to improve the air quality of Lampang Province, switch to environmentally-friendly farming methods and increase farm household income.

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The population of people in the Lampang region, Thailand, is mostly engaged in agriculture and suffers from fine dust pollution. The biggest reason is 'outdoor incineration.' Local farmers have expanded their agricultural land with the slash-and-burn field method for carrying out corn production contracts with companies. Last year, the fire broke out in more than 1,100 places and most of them were woods. The government has banned slash-and-burn field farming; however, it wasn't very effective.


The project will solve this problem by adopting the organic farming model operated by Hug Nam Jang from Nakaokiew Lampang Province, Thailand. Residents have formed a village guild to jointly own the land, ran the organic farming education and learning for residents and acquired sellers for harvest. and various agricultural experiments such as solar power generation and bio gas utilization are being conducted in the village. The project aims improve the fine dust issues and lives of farmers.

Long-Term Impact

If the project goes well, it will not only improve the air quality in Thailand's Rambbang region, but also transform agricultural methods from the creation of hwajeon and the use of pesticides to organic methods, solar power and biogas. If this method is extended to northern Thailand, it can fundamentally address the chronic air pollution problem in northern Thailand. It can lead to increased income for farming households, which can also help farmers improve their lives


Organization Information

A-PAD KOREA (Asia Pacific Alliance for Disaster Management)

Location: Seoul - South Korea
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Doohwan Ko
Seoul , South Korea

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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