Training Teachers to Save Sight

by Orbis Ireland
Training Teachers to Save Sight
Training Teachers to Save Sight
Training Teachers to Save Sight
Training Teachers to Save Sight
Training Teachers to Save Sight
Training Teachers to Save Sight


Too many people live in areas that have access to little or no eye care services. Few people realise that, in Ethiopia, blindness can result from a disease easily transmitted between infected and healthy eyes by flies or infected clothing and a lack of clean water to wash. With your support, Orbis trains teachers to detect eye conditions at an early stage, arrange necessary treatment, and educate children about the importance of eye care, emphasizing cleanliness and environmental improvements.

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For many children in countries like Ethiopia, lack of access to eye care affects their day-to-day learning and, therefore, their ability to succeed in the future. A scarcity of trained eye care professionals and services, low awareness of basic eye health and inadequate water and sanitation facilities all contribute to the high prevalence of trachoma.


You can help bring eye care to a place that can make all the difference early in life: school. By supporting this project, you enable Orbis to train 600 teachers to combat avoidable eye diseases. After receiving training, the teachers can screen children for eye diseases and refer students to nearby health centres for further treatment or to receive prescription glasses. Following the training, teachers establish eye care clubs in schools to educate students.

Long-Term Impact

Good vision plays a crucial role in children's education. When children have poor eyesight, reading and seeing the blackboard becomes difficult. This can lead to discouragement and even school dropouts because they struggle to keep up. To combat childhood blindness effectively, early screening and treatment are essential. Over the next three years, we will train over 1,500 teachers, empowering them to conduct screenings for visual impairment among all children and ensure they get treatment.


Organization Information

Orbis Ireland

Location: Dublin,, Dublin - Ireland
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @ORBISIreland
Project Leader:
Ciara Baumgartner
Dublin, , Dublin Ireland

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