Education  India Project #21320

Transforming People With Disabilities in India

by India Partners
Transforming People With Disabilities in India
Transforming People With Disabilities in India
Transforming People With Disabilities in India
Transforming People With Disabilities in India
Transforming People With Disabilities in India
Transforming People With Disabilities in India

Project Report | Jan 13, 2023
Girl with motor disability is able to get a job

By John Sparks | President

Thanks to your generosity, a girl with a motor disability was able to get a job to support her family!  Meera suffers from muscle paralysis and weakness on one side of her body that severely limits her employment options.  Through your donation, she was given a chance to study computers.  

Meera and her mother struggled to make ends meet and relied on government subsidized food canteens for their provision.  Because of her condition, lack of education, and the strain covid left on job opportunities in India, Meera was unable to find employment. 

Not only did your donation provide covid relief for Meera but it also gave her computer skills and education!  Meera went to the local photo copy store to make copies of her resume and was offered a job on the spot! The offer was immediately accepted by Meera, who is very grateful for the opportunity.

Thank you for giving the gift of computer education to people with disabilities in India.  It affords them the education, training and connections they need to make their way in the world.  Without your generosity people like Meera wouldn’t have a chance to provide for their families, but you helped make a way.  Now Meera works a respectable job and makes money for her survival.  Thank you!


John Sparks

President, India Partners

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Organization Information

India Partners

Location: Eugene, OR - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @IndiaPartners
Project Leader:
John Sparks
Eugene , OR United States
$2,687 raised of $5,000 goal
81 donations
$2,313 to go
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