Education  India Project #21320

Transforming People With Disabilities in India

by India Partners
Transforming People With Disabilities in India
Transforming People With Disabilities in India
Transforming People With Disabilities in India
Transforming People With Disabilities in India
Transforming People With Disabilities in India
Transforming People With Disabilities in India

Project Report | Feb 25, 2016
Ruhi's life has been radically changed.

By John Sparks | CEO

Ruhi at the workstation
Ruhi at the workstation

         Your gift is helping young people with disabilities gain hope and self-confidence through computer training. In the past few months, 54 people have been served through this project. Your gift enables them to go to school and receive a quality education in computers.  Truly you are Transforming Youth in India with Computer Training.

         Many of the students come from poor families and because of their disability, they are oppressed and marginalized. The stigma is they can't do anything or pursue a career.

          When Ruhi was a little girl she contracted polio. Her condition was not terrible but it meant that she would walk with a limp, but the limp labeled her as disabled.  As she got older she continued to lose motor skills as her muscles grew weaker, she now uses a cane and sometimes crutches.

           When she reached college they would not allow her to take the engineering courses she wanted, she was placed in a Commerce Course (Business Administration), but even then she was not allowed to take the computer classes for one reason or the other. (note: Higher education in India is very competitive and excluding people with disabilities is common.)  They allowed her to graduate but without computer training she could not get a job; neither with a company or with the government.

            Ruhi read an ad for our Computer Training Course and with her education was naturally accepted.  She grasped the concepts and quickly picked up all the requirements of the course.  Soon after graduation she was placed in a government job, with a good salary.  Our placement services helped her and her employer to adjust to her new position so that they were both able to accommodate her special needs within the work environment.

            Ruhi still visits our center from time to time and never misses any special events as she has developed strong relationships with students and her instructors. 

            Our success is measured in changed lives.  Ruhi is one example of how together we can release the potential of people who are otherwise marginalized. Thank you for Transforming Youth in India with Computer Training. Your gifts bring the change that transform lives.  Without you, Ruhi and others like her would suffer needlessly.


India Partners

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Organization Information

India Partners

Location: Eugene, OR - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @IndiaPartners
Project Leader:
John Sparks
Eugene , OR United States
$2,687 raised of $5,000 goal
81 donations
$2,313 to go
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