Education  India Project #21320

Transforming People With Disabilities in India

by India Partners
Transforming People With Disabilities in India
Transforming People With Disabilities in India
Transforming People With Disabilities in India
Transforming People With Disabilities in India
Transforming People With Disabilities in India
Transforming People With Disabilities in India

Project Report | May 25, 2016
Your gift has impacted her life.

By John Sparks | CEO


Dear Friend,

     Punitha was infected by polio during childhood and both her legs are affected, she is not able to stand or walk. Before coming to our training center she had almost no mobility. While enrolled she learned to use a wheelchair and a hand-operated tricycle. After graduating from our computer course, she began working for a small business but soon discovered that they were unwilling to accommodate her disability and made life miserable for her. She was very disappointed. Part of our placement process is follow up with individuals and we realized that this business was not a good fit. We were able to secure another opportunity for her where she soon thrived. She has purchased a modified scooter with her earnings and is using it to commute to work.

     She conveys her special thanks to India Partners and all those who helped her. She says, “I never dreamed that I would be able to get a job in the IT field and then to be able to commute to work on my own.” Your gifts have changed Punitha’s life!

     Your gift is helping young people with disabilities gain hope and self-confidence through computer training. In the past few months, 54 people have been served through this project. Your gift enables them to go to school and receive a quality education in computers.

     Many of the students come from poor families and because of their disability, they are oppressed and marginalized. The stigma is they can't do anything or pursue a career.

     However, your gift makes it possible for them to succeed. Computer training gives people with disabilities the necessary skills to apply for quality jobs in the workforce. After course completion, the students take a Government Exam and graduate with a "Certificate in Computer Application." This is very valuable certificate when looking for jobs in India, and often helps get placement in government positions.

     Thank you for changing lives and helping people like Punitha. Your gifts bring the change that transform lives. Without you, Punitha, and others like her, would suffer needlessly.


John Sparks

P.S. You can change even more lives, visit Transforming Youth in India with Computer Training today and be the catalyst of transformation for a disabled youth.

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Organization Information

India Partners

Location: Eugene, OR - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @IndiaPartners
Project Leader:
John Sparks
Eugene , OR United States
$2,687 raised of $5,000 goal
81 donations
$2,313 to go
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