Education  India Project #21320

Transforming People With Disabilities in India

by India Partners
Transforming People With Disabilities in India
Transforming People With Disabilities in India
Transforming People With Disabilities in India
Transforming People With Disabilities in India
Transforming People With Disabilities in India
Transforming People With Disabilities in India

Project Report | Aug 22, 2016
Despair to delight for Dipti

By John Sparks | CEO

Dear Friend,

You are making the difference in the lives of people that would otherwise suffer in silence, unable to provide for themselves. Your gifts to Transforming Youth in India with Computer Training are having significant impact.

Many of the students come from poor families and because of their disability, they are oppressed and marginalized. The stigma is they can't do anything or pursue a career.

Dipti’s father owns a chai stall.  When Dipti was born he was very happy, he had two sons but was now delighted to have a daughter.  Even as an infant she was happy and joyful.  At a young age she contracted polio and it affected both of her legs.  Her father’s love allowed her to progress through school and the fact that she was not able to run and play with other children meant she was free to excel in her studies. 

However, her disability meant she was unable to access the computer lab at college and after she graduated she was unable to get a job due to this insufficiency in her skills.  She was stuck at home, no hope for a career was within her grasp.

She discovered our computer training course through a newspaper ad and quickly enrolled.  She has graduated and is now working for an international medical device firm processing all their invoices for south India. 

Through her earning she has been able to help remodel her family’s house and her father’s chai stall is now a restaurant. 

Her training has not only changed her life but changed the lives of her whole family.  Her bubbly spirit and brilliant mind transform the lives of others.  Through your generosity she has become a role model for others that they too can succeed when the difficulties of life seem to be more than they can endure.

Thank you for changing lives and helping people like Dipti. Your involvement is critical.


John Sparks

P.S. You can change even more lives, visit Transforming Youth in India with Computer Training today and be the catalyst of transformation for a disabled youth.

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Organization Information

India Partners

Location: Eugene, OR - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @IndiaPartners
Project Leader:
John Sparks
Eugene , OR United States
$2,687 raised of $5,000 goal
81 donations
$2,313 to go
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