Transforming the Social Finance sector in Brazil

by sitawi
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Transforming the Social Finance sector in Brazil
Transforming the Social Finance sector in Brazil
Transforming the Social Finance sector in Brazil
Transforming the Social Finance sector in Brazil
Transforming the Social Finance sector in Brazil

Project Report | Feb 7, 2019
20 funds, 65 projects, publications and awards!

By Luiza Coimbra | Communications

In 2018, SITAWI celebrated 10 years of operation!

Throughout the year, we held the first Finance for Good Seminar: The State of the Art, we supported dozens of organizations, thousands of people and developed countless projects and consultancies to leverage the Social and Sustainable Finance agenda in Latin America.

The Financial Mechanisms for Impact area managed 20 Philanthropic and Revolving Funds for education, community development, human rights, and the environment, totaling R$ 26 million mobilized for positive impact since the beginning of SITAWI. We are the most active impact investor in Brazil, with 39 investments and social and environmental loans made.

The Sustainable Finance program executed 65 projects, launched 7 publications and was consolidated as the largest research and consulting practice in Sustainable Finance in Latin America, with 16 professionals. In 2019, it will open an office in Colombia, accelerating its international expansion.

We have developed a strategy for Febraban so its associated banks are able to comply with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and have become the first non-financial organization in Brazil to support the Principles for Responsible Banking.

We continue as the largest reference in green and social bonds, supporting operations that have captured almost R$ 1bn, we have launched the Coolest Bonds guide, to help issuers identify assets and green projects, and PEAX, a program to foster new issuers of green bonds with positive externalities for the climate.

The Territorial Programs area completed one year of activities. The first program has already benefited the lives of 700 riverside families in the Mid Juruá, working together with the local protagonists in preserving the biodiversity of the Amazon and in productive chains linked to socio-biodiversity.

We continue to develop the first Brazilian Social Impact Bond (SIB) in the health area in Ceará and we support the creation of the law that regulates SIB, in process in the Federal Senate. In 2019, we will launch the first public call to support the development of new SIB by municipal and state secretariats in Brazil.

We further enhance our management processes and tools in order to provide more transparency and achieve excellence. Our Sustainable Finance program was certified as a B Corporation, an organization that contributes to a better world, we are again among the best NGOs in Brazil in the ranking of the Doar Institute, and we remain among the top ten Latin American organizations for the TOP 500 of the NGO Advisor.

We thank all our partners, contributors, supporters and clients who walk with us and believe in this cause.

Let’s keep together in 2019!

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Organization Information


Location: São Paulo, SP - Brazil
Project Leader:
sitawi .
Sao Paulo , SP Brazil

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