Help Restore the Maya Golden Landscape

by Ya'axche Conservation Trust
Help Restore the Maya Golden Landscape
Help Restore the Maya Golden Landscape
Help Restore the Maya Golden Landscape
Help Restore the Maya Golden Landscape
Help Restore the Maya Golden Landscape
Help Restore the Maya Golden Landscape
Help Restore the Maya Golden Landscape
Help Restore the Maya Golden Landscape
Help Restore the Maya Golden Landscape
Help Restore the Maya Golden Landscape


The Maya Golden Landscape forms part of an extensive tropical rainforest in Mesoamerica. It is rich in species diversity and provides habitat for many endemic and IUCN threatened species. Ya'axche helps local farmers and communities combat deforestation and ecosystem degradation through alternative livelihoods and regenerative agriculture. 'Restoration' plantings of native trees connects forests, protects watersheds, enhances climate resiliency and improves community-based livelihoods.

total goal
monthly donors


The MGL faces threats of deforestation and degradation due to unsustainable agriculture, illegal logging, bush fires and encroachments in protected areas. Indigenous Maya communities in the MGL traditionally rely on forest resources to meet their domestic and livelihoods needs. As communities expand, the demand for land increases, exerting additional pressure on forests. This leads to increased fragmentation, soil degradation, biodiversity loss and reduced adaptive capacity of communities.


Ya'axche engages farmers and community members in restorative efforts through the planting of native timber and fruit tree species in deforested and degraded areas to improve ecosystem services. This initiative increases carbon sequestration capabilities, protects aquatic and riparian ecosystems, improves soil health, forest connectivity and biodiversity. Livelihoods are improved through productive agroforestry systems which provide farming families with steady streams of monthly income.

Long-Term Impact

This project aims to restore 100 hectares in the MGL and secures steady income steams for 200 farmers and their families across 10 communities. Employment is secured for 42 Ya'axche staff who are engaged in scientific work and community outreach. Conservation partners and local communities are trained in restoration techniques. 41,537 residents benefit from protection of watersheds and habitats of more than 110 mammal species, 400 bird species and 92 reptile and amphibian species are protected.


Organization Information

Ya'axche Conservation Trust

Location: Punta Gorda, Toledo District - Belize
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @Yaaxche?lang=en
Project Leader:
Development Manager
Punta Gorda , Toledo District Belize

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