COVID-19  India Project #52228

Vaccinate & stop spread of COVID IInd wave-India

by Community Health, Housing and Social Education (CHHASE)
Vaccinate & stop spread of COVID IInd wave-India


Vaccination, Oxygen & educating our communities about sanitizing, mask and keeping social distance against spread of Covid-19 is CHHASE priority. We will remove Misunderstanding, fear, confusion; loss of income is preventing our community taking up the vaccine. We educate the urgency & facts about vaccination and to encourage vaccination, we will provide transportation to the vaccination centres & return them safely and we will provide food groceries to people, who suffer due to COVID 2nd wave.

total raised
monthly donors


India's health system is on the edge of downfall. Lack of hospital beds, medical supplies, oxygen and vaccines has forced families to nurse critically ill family members on the streets, in car parks and at home with no medical aid. International aid is on the way, but will it be sufficient? Families living in rural areas desperately need support, awareness and they need it now. CHHASE will educate, encourage & facilitate vaccine take up.


CHHASE will educate, encourage & facilitate vaccine take up. We do not have access to medical supplies and oxygen, but can provide critical long term help by encouraging & facilitating vaccine take up. Communities, who've not had the privilege of an education are misinformed and scared. By accompanying our communities to vaccine centres,CHHASE aims to significantly increase take-up. Fear, loss of income, accessibility and misinformation are obstacles our team will have to overcome.

Long-Term Impact

CHHASE mission is to create a better informed, safer and healthier community for the future. India's health care system is in crisis and CHHASE grass roots initiative will reach out to support the most marginalised in Indian society living in rural areas across Tamil Nadu.


Organization Information

Community Health, Housing and Social Education (CHHASE)

Location: Tiruvallur District, Tamilnadu - India
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Vincent paul Bellamkonda
Tiruvallur District , Tamilnadu India

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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