A Promising Future for Children In Medellin

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A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin

Project Report | Oct 13, 2021
Noticias que nos alegran.


Buenas noticias

Una historia de tantas para compartir, una historia de la que tu haces parte fundamental.

CAMILO ingresó a la Corporación en mayo de 2019. El motivo de ingreso fue la falta de oportunidades para aprovechar el tiempo libre y el debilitamiento en sus habilidades personales y sociales.

Se vincula de forma efectiva, participó de los talleres de Arte Marciales y Teatro y del programa de Orientación Vocacional donde logró identificar sus intereses y aptitudes y comenzó a soñar con su deseo de estudiar Sistemas. Nos sentimos orgullosos de el porque ha logrado acceder a una beca del gobierno para estudiar Técnica profesional en Sistemas, actualmente cursa el primer semestre.

Su proceso en la Corporación continuará desde atención psicológica para potencializar la seguridad personal, los miedos y las limitaciones mentales que en ocasiones le emergen.

Camilo demuestra motivación en el logro de su sueño de graduarse como Técnico en Sistemas y contribuir a la economía de su familia.

Tu y nosotros seguimos uniendo esfuerzos por sus sueños.



Good news

One story of so many to share, a story of which you are a fundamental part.


CAMILO joined the Corporation in May 2019. The reason for joining was the lack of opportunities to take advantage of free time and the weakening of his personal and social skills.


He links up effectively, he participated in the Martial Arts and Theater workshops and the Vocational Guidance program where he managed to identify his interests and aptitudes and began to dream of his desire to study Systems.


We are proud of him because he has managed to access a government scholarship to study Professional Technique in Systems, currently in the first semester. His process in the Corporation will continue from psychological care to potentiate personal safety, fears and mental limitations that sometimes emerge.


Camilo shows motivation in achieving his dream of graduating as a Systems Technician and contributing to his family's finances.


You and we continue to join forces for your dreams.

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Organization Information


Location: medellin - Colombia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @corpuebloninos
Project Leader:
María del Carmen Vélez V
medellin , Colombia

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