A Promising Future for Children In Medellin

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A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin

Project Report | Mar 16, 2022
Noticias que nos alegran.


Sandra a sus 12 anos / Sandra at 12 years old
Sandra a sus 12 anos / Sandra at 12 years old

Estamos felices por Sandra.

Llegó a la Corporación a los 7 años de edad debido al riesgo a los que estaba expuesto por vivir en un inquilinato, desde entonces acompañamos su proceso. Inicialmente en modalidad de internado y luego, al evidenciar que la madre mejoró las condiciones de vida y se minimizan los riesgos para la adolescente, egresa del internado y se vincula al programa Vidas con Sentido en el cual ha fortalecido habilidades como toma de decisiones, capacidad de autogestion y seguridad en si mismo.

En el año 2021 obtiene su título de bachiller y actualmente estudia la Técnica laboral en Asesor Comercial y de servicios en el CESDE.

Unidos seguiremos apoyando su proceso de adaptación a la terciaria y fortaleciendo sus habilidades personales para que continúen la construcción de su proyecto de vida y cumplan el sueño de adquirir una vivienda para ella y educación para su madre.

Mantenemos el optimismo . Desde febrero iniciamos nuestras actividades, nos alegra compartir espacios protectores en los que nuestros niños, niñas y adolescentes desarrollan sus habilidades y aprovechan el tiempo libre en clases de teatro, artes plásticas y karate.

Gracias por estar cerca de nosotros, juntos brindamos oportunidades de progreso.



We are happy for Sandra

She came to the Corporation at the age of 7 due to the risk to which she was exposed by living in a tenancy, since then we have accompanied her process. Initially in a boarding school modality and then, when it was evident that the mother had improved living conditions and the risks for the adolescent were minimized, she graduated from the boarding school and joined the Vidas con Sentido program in which she has strengthened skills such as decision-making, of self-management and self-confidence.

In 2021 he obtained his bachelor's degree and is currently studying the Labor Technique in Commercial and Services Advisor at CESDE.


Together we will continue to support her process of adapting to tertiary education and strengthening her personal skills so that she can continue building her life project and fulfill the dream of acquiring a home for her and her mother.


We remain optimistic. Since February we started our activities, we are happy to share protective spaces in which our children and adolescents develop their skills and take advantage of their free time in theater, plastic arts and karate classes.


Thank you for being close to us, together we provide opportunities for progress.



Sandra el dia de su grado / sandra on her graduati
Sandra el dia de su grado / sandra on her graduati
Taller factores protectores / Protective factors w
Taller factores protectores / Protective factors w
Aprendemos para ensenar / We learn to teach
Aprendemos para ensenar / We learn to teach
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Organization Information


Location: medellin - Colombia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @corpuebloninos
Project Leader:
María del Carmen Vélez V
medellin , Colombia

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