A Promising Future for Children In Medellin

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A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin
A Promising Future for Children In Medellin

Project Report | Oct 18, 2022


Tatiana and her mommy
Tatiana and her mommy


 Cordial saludo, hoy te tenemos noticias de dos familias y sus logros que nos llenan de alegría 

  1. La familia Ardila Saldarriaga, está vinculada desde febrero del año 2020, motivados conque Esdiward tuviera oportunidades de superación, aprovechara adecuadamente su tiempo libre y evitar que se expusiera a los riesgos de su contexto.  

Esdiward tiene 13 años y cursa 8°, participa activamente en los talleres de karate y demuestra interés en su proceso personal. Ha logrado adquirir autonomía y mejorar su autoestima. 

Su madre es ama de casa, está presente en la crianza y cuidado de su hijo y tienen un vínculo fortalecido. 

  1. La familia Valle conformada por mamá e hija, la madre con una historia de vida marcada por maltrato, abuso y abandono, concibe a su hija a la edad de 14 años, ambas son rechazadas por la familia y acogidas en Pueblo de los Niños. 

Hoy Tatiana tiene 12 años y es atendida en modalidad de internado, pues su mamá es la única proveedora económica y con inmensos deseos de superación, es vendedora ambulante de dulces y estudia piscología, becada en Uniminuto. 

Tati actualmente tiene garantizados sus derechos, es sociable, alegre, su vínculo con la mamá es basado en el respeto, la comunicación y el amor. Son un ejemplo de resiliencia. 

También compartimos la alegría de retomar las salidas lúdico pedagógicas, que se evidencia en la visita al Teatro Metropolitano José Gutiérrez Gómez. Nos invitaron a la RUTA 21, un recorrido para conocer y aprender como se planea cada espectáculo. El arte nos conecta los sentidos. 

Todo esto fue posible gracias a tu apoyo, felicidades. 


Cordial greetings, today we have news of two families and their achievements that fill us with joy. 
The Ardila Saldarriaga family has been linked since February 2020, motivated so that Esdiward would have opportunities to improve, make the most of their free time and avoid exposing themselves to the risks of their context. 
Esdiward is 13 years old and is in 8th grade, he actively participates in karate workshops and shows interest in his personal process. She has managed to acquire autonomy and improve her self-esteem. 
His mother is a housewife, she is present in the upbringing and care of her son and they have a strengthened bond. 


The Valle family made up of mother and daughter, the mother with a life story marked by mistreatment, abuse and abandonment, conceives her daughter at the age of 14, both are rejected by the family and welcomed in Pueblo de losNiños. 
Today Tatiana is 12 years old and is treated as a boarding school, because her mother is the only economic provider and with an immense desire to improve, she is a street vendor of sweets and studies psychology, with a scholarship at Uniminuto. 
Tati currently has her rights guaranteed, she is sociable, cheerful, her bond with her mother is based on respect, communication and love. They are an example of resilience. 

We also share with you the joy of resuming the recreational educational outings, which is evident in the visit to the José Gutiérrez Gómez Metropolitan Theater. We were invited to RUTA 21, a tour to get to know and learn how each show is planned. Art connects our senses. 


All this has been possible, thanks to your contribution. Congratulations. 

Visita al Teatro Metropolitano Jose Gutierrez G.
Visita al Teatro Metropolitano Jose Gutierrez G.
Conociendo el Teatro Metropolitano Jose GutierrezG
Conociendo el Teatro Metropolitano Jose GutierrezG
Teatro Metropolitano Jose Gutierrez G.
Teatro Metropolitano Jose Gutierrez G.
Esdiward y su mama
Esdiward y su mama
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Organization Information


Location: medellin - Colombia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @corpuebloninos
Project Leader:
María del Carmen Vélez V
medellin , Colombia

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