Vision and quality of life for older people.

by Asociacion Centro de Rehabilitacion para Ciegos
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Vision and quality of life for older people.
Vision and quality of life for older people.
Vision and quality of life for older people.
Vision and quality of life for older people.
Vision and quality of life for older people.
Vision and quality of life for older people.
Vision and quality of life for older people.
Vision and quality of life for older people.
Vision and quality of life for older people.
Vision and quality of life for older people.
Vision and quality of life for older people.
Vision and quality of life for older people.
Vision and quality of life for older people.
Vision and quality of life for older people.
Vision and quality of life for older people.
Vision and quality of life for older people.
Vision and quality of life for older people.
Vision and quality of life for older people.
Vision and quality of life for older people.
Vision and quality of life for older people.
Vision and quality of life for older people.
Vision and quality of life for older people.
Vision and quality of life for older people.

Project Report | Nov 29, 2023


Some beneficiaries
Some beneficiaries

During the months of September and October 2023, thanks to your donation through the GlobalGiving platform, 33 older adults had access to eye surgery, 19 men and 14 women. The oldest person is 85 years old and the youngest person is 61 years old. It is a great pleasure to inform you that these people now have better vision and a better quality of life in terms of visual functioning. This is all thanks to you. On the other hand, we would like to inform you that we are celebrating 40 years of service, the road has not been easy, but it has all been worth it, without a doubt the work has been very satisfactory, we will continue working and giving strength to the three components of the care model, always working for the people who need it most in the field of eye health and people with visual impairment. Once again we acknowledge the professional work of the entire medical team, the governing body and of course each and every one of the people who in some way have been and are part of ACREC. Thank you.

40th anniversary
40th anniversary

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Organization Information

Asociacion Centro de Rehabilitacion para Ciegos

Location: Cuernavaca, Morelos - Mexico
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @ACRECIAP
Project Leader:
Veronica Perez
Cuernavaca , Morelos Mexico
$117,472 raised of $140,000 goal
1,017 donations
$22,529 to go
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