Waste Management in Fiji

by GVI Charitable Programs
Waste Management in Fiji
Waste Management in Fiji
Waste Management in Fiji
Waste Management in Fiji
Waste Management in Fiji
Waste Management in Fiji
Waste Management in Fiji
Waste Management in Fiji
Waste Management in Fiji
Waste Management in Fiji

Project Report | Mar 20, 2023
A collaborative approach to waste management

By Fiji team | Project team


Waste management is a global concern. Waste is generated by both homes and businesses around the world and this is no different for the villages in Fiji.

Bottles, tins, paper, plastics, glass, and all sorts of packaging are waste that needs to be disposed of, and over time, the need for waste management systems in Fijian villages has grown.

Effective mangement systems help protect the environment not only from the waste itself, but also from hamful management processes such as burning of plastics.

Developing systems of waste management is most effective with a collaborative approach where the community helps identify issues as we work together towards solutions.  

This starts with surveying the community to see where their needs are and how they can be supported. Once the needs are identified we can work towards solutions.This requires a multi faceted approach. 

Simply developing recycling points for example, is not enough. This needs to be supported with education programmes so the recycling point is used effectively.  We also need to put monitoring systems in place to check that the system is adequate, that it caters for the amount of waste and that it helping to solve the issue. We then need systems to ensure this waste is collected and disposed of.

We have continued to work in partnership with the communities of Dawasamu and Bureiwai district and based on the survey work we did towards the end of last year, we have continued to expand our waste management project.

There are 12 villages in the district of Nemana and we are our planning is to implement a waste management program in each village over a period of 12 months - one village per month.

Your support for this waste management project means that we are able to support an increasing number of villages  to have systems as well as education programs in place.

We thank you for your onging support and will keep you updated on our progress as we continue to expand the waste management systems to more villages..

Your contributions are appreciated. 

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Nov 10, 2022
Twelve more villages to receive support

By Michele Comber | Project Manager

Jul 13, 2022
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Organization Information

GVI Charitable Programs

Location: The Woodlands, TX - USA
Project Leader:
Cheryl Martin
The Woodlands , TX United States

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