Empower women in Africa through higher education!

by These Numbers Have Faces
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Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!
Empower women in Africa through higher education!

Project Report | Feb 13, 2013
Awesome Leadership Training in Rwanda

By Daneen Leidig | Assistant Director

These Numbers Have Faces Scholars in Rwanda recently completed the final training session of their 3-part leadership training program. Training sessions covered: Entrepreneurship 101, Financial Literacy and Leadership Development & Goal Setting. The trainings were dynamic and required the students to actively participate in the session discussions and exercises.

The students’ first training module covered Entrepreneurship. They learned the basics for developing a successful business idea. Through their group exercises, they identified business opportunities; including a saloon (hair stylist/barber shop) and a public transportation company as both of these business are limited in the area of their homes. Their trainer stated:

“At the end of a two hour session, I could see their zeal and passion to start their businesses right away!”

The second training session covered Financial Literacy. After discussing the basics of how to choose a bank and open an account, much time was dedicated to the necessity of creating a budget and the importance of saving. The students received templates to create their own budget and were encouraged to prioritize saving for emergencies and future dreams. They were challenged with an exercise: keep track of everything they spent on for a week, in order to discover what are necessity items and how to help avoid impulse purchases.

The final training was on Leadership and Goal Setting. The students were taught: “Setting goals gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation.” They were guided on how to set goals in the areas of: education, career, finances and family. Their training provided key suggestions on how to choose goals that are measurable, attainable and relevant!

All training sessions were conducted through a partnership with our new friend John Gasangwa of Inkomoko. John’s statement about thetraining:

“I personally enjoyed challenging the girls to 'think out of the box' and be creative and innovative.”

The students enjoyed these sessions so much that they asked John to return again soon to train them on project planning and business plan development.

They’ve been empowered and they’re ready to be leaders! Watch out Rwanda!

John Teaching
John Teaching
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These Numbers Have Faces

Location: Portland, OR - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @thesenumbers
Project Leader:
Jim Pressnell
Portland , OR United States
$12,813 raised of $20,000 goal
207 donations
$7,187 to go
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