Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest

by Iracambi
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest

Project Report | Feb 18, 2020
EcoLeaders program hits the ground running

By Marina Carvalho | Project Coordinator

teachers falling in love with the forest day
teachers falling in love with the forest day

Dear donors, supporters and friends across the world,

In spite of horrendous rains and flooding we managed to hit the (very muddy) ground running, in preparation for the 2020 school year - which, as you may know, starts After Carnaval. (And Carnaval, in case you missed it, is this week!) 

In fact the school year starts at the beginning of February, but it doesn't really get going until After Carnaval. But the first days of the school year are super important, because this is the time when we have to ensure that our program gets inserted into the school calendar, and the best way to do this is to get the teachers really excited about it.The kids love us to bits, but sometimes we have to work hard to convince the teachers - and that's what we've been focusing on. 

So when we get invited to Staff Training Days, it's our job to ensure that the teachers have a wonderful time and that Staff Training Day becomes Staff Falling in Love with the Forest Day. And our EcoLeaders team has been working with the State Association of Environmental Educators and running around the local schools to make sure that the teachers catch something of the vision. 

Muddy roads, sporadic power cuts, internet outages, we can face them all on our quest to make sure that the teachers understand that sending the students into the forest is far more than an enjoyable outing - although it's that too! So we do what it takes to get the teachers on board, and this year is looking really good. Lots of teachers tell us they're looking forward to hosting us in the classrooms and sending the children into the forest - when the roads improve!  

All of which will be starting as from the next week or so, and school will continue right through the end of the year.

With your help, dear donors, we'll be able to do great things with the 2,000 students that we aim to include in this year's program. Two thousand young champions to help save the world. How exciting is that? 

Thank you for being on this journey with us, and please tell your friends and family, and ask them to tell their networks, and support us if they can! The more young champions we raise, the better the chance for the future of the forests - which affects us all, wherever we live.

And you're always welcome to come visit, if you're ever in our neck of the woods!

with love from Marina and EcoLeaders team

PS Please check out the video link we're enclosing and meet EcoLeader Kalwan!  

Forest Supporters circle
Forest Supporters circle
Widening the circle
Widening the circle


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Organization Information


Location: Rosario da Limeira, MG - Brazil
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Binka and Robin LeBreton
Rosario da Limeira , MG Brazil
$146,580 raised of $250,000 goal
1,570 donations
$103,420 to go
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