Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest

by Iracambi
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest
Young EcoLeaders of the Brazilian Rainforest

Project Report | Jun 5, 2024
From Ecoleaders to Eco-Legends: How Last Year's Ecoleaders are Sprouting New Environmental Champions

By Juliana Mendes | Comunication Coordinator

The child's school mentioned paying us a visit!
The child's school mentioned paying us a visit!

Dear Donors,

We are writing this letter with immense gratitude to express our deepest appreciation for your generous contribution to the Young Ecoleaders Project. Thanks to your support, we have been able to transform the lives of countless children and young people, inspiring them to become agents of change in the fight for environmental preservation.

Today, we want to share with you an inspiring story that demonstrates the project's lasting impact. Last year, a group of enthusiastic young people participated in the program and emerged as true leaders in the community, talking to others about caring for the environment. What deeply moves us is that these young people didn't stop at just participating in the project. They have continued to engage with the organization, bringing new members to the community and sharing their passion for environmental causes with other children and youth.

Recently, one of these young people, contacted us to share her experience. She told us how, after participating in the program, his worldview completely transformed. She became more aware of the impact of human actions on the environment and felt motivated to make a difference.

Their story is just one example of how the Young Ecoleaders Project is positively impacting the lives of children and young people. With your continued support, we can inspire new generations to become leaders in the fight for environmental preservation. Thanks to your generosity, we are building a greener and more sustainable future for all.

Thanks for everything, so far!

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Organization Information


Location: Rosario da Limeira, MG - Brazil
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Binka and Robin LeBreton
Rosario da Limeira , MG Brazil
$146,580 raised of $250,000 goal
1,570 donations
$103,420 to go
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