NOTE: You must enter sign the terms of service agreement with GlobalGiving to use this API feature. Please download, sign and email a copy of the terms of service agreement here, and return to to enable this feature. You must certify that you will handle donor input and data in compliance with PCI-DSS standards when handling sensitive information. Mainly this means ensuring your connections are HTTPS, your servers are secure, and you never store a users creditcard information.
This operation allows a user to query the validity and details of a gift certificate.
xml, json
xml, json{giftcertid}/
giftcertid The giftcertificate number to check, required
&api_key described in the API Key section, required
curl -H "Accept: application/xml" -H "Content-Type: application/xml"
-X GET ""
NOTE: Above request has carriage returns for readability.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
giftCertificate_detail |
Element | Mandatory | Description |
currencyCode | required | The currency the Gift Certificate amount is in. |
expirationDate | required | The date of expiration - the giftcertificate is good through the expiration date in Eastern US time-zone. |
giftCertificateNumber | required | Will be the same giftcertid passed into the query. |
remainingAmount | required | Amount of funds remaining on the gift certificate. |
valid | required | Quick way to determine if certificate is valid. This is false if the cert has been invalidated by a system administrator, or if the expirationDate is in the past, or if the remainingBalance is |