Adopt a Tree; Protect Environment & Earth

by Rajasthan Samgrah Kalyan Sansthan
Adopt a Tree; Protect Environment & Earth
Adopt a Tree; Protect Environment & Earth
Adopt a Tree; Protect Environment & Earth
Adopt a Tree; Protect Environment & Earth
Adopt a Tree; Protect Environment & Earth
Adopt a Tree; Protect Environment & Earth
Adopt a Tree; Protect Environment & Earth
Adopt a Tree; Protect Environment & Earth
Adopt a Tree; Protect Environment & Earth
Adopt a Tree; Protect Environment & Earth
Adopt a Tree; Protect Environment & Earth
Adopt a Tree; Protect Environment & Earth
Adopt a Tree; Protect Environment & Earth
Adopt a Tree; Protect Environment & Earth

Project Report | Dec 26, 2022
Adopt a Tree Campaign with School Kids.....

By Team | RSKS India

Dear Patron !

RSKS India Family wishes you a Happy MERRY Christmas!

School children are the future of any nation and that is why every country focus on the education of these children however they are taught their subjects but not the subjects which are also very important for them like the global warming, deforestation, climate change etc. In this context, To raise more awareness on these issues at the grassroots level, RSKS India is running its Adopt A Tree: Save Environment & Earth Project in which mass awareness about the climate change, deforestation, global warming etc as well as tree plantation & adoption is promoted by RSKS India. “Someone is relaxing under the shade of the tree in harsh summer it is due to someone planted that tree years ago” there are many other sayings like this in order to make the people understand about the importance of trees for us and for the natural habitat. This project of RSKS India raises awareness at the ground level so that more and more people could join and understand this initiative.

In this context, RSKS India team organized “Har Ghar Podharopan Abhiyan” under which many rural schools were selected and then mass awareness about the tree plantation and environment conservation was done with them. This mass awareness was done with them through the help of flipcharts, snake & ladder game, seed pen, Environment conservation Notebook and at last by organizing the road rallies with the school children to give a concrete message to the rural people also. The Snake and ladder game consisted of what to do in the form of ladders and what not to do in the form of snakes. RSKS team also taught them the importance of trees for our environment and then all the children took oath to always protect these trees and take care of them.

This program of RSKS India raised awareness about the importance of trees to hundreds of the children and also motivated them to adopt and protect the trees throughout their life. These children got a new way of living their life with trees and always be protective towards the environment. These children took oath for always stand up for environment conservation. They always got a reminder through their environment conservation notebooks whenever they were going to do anything against the environment. The seed pen of these children are now being planted in the soil and soon they will be trees which would provide fresh oxygen to all of us. The school administration and all the children thanked RSKS India team and donors from bottom of their heart.

Once again thank you so much for your valuable Support.

Many Regards

Team RSKS India
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Organization Information

Rajasthan Samgrah Kalyan Sansthan

Location: Ajmer, India, Rajasthan - India
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Team RSKS India
ajmer , rajasthan India

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