The project aims at meeting the essential needs of the internally displaced and refugee Syrians returning to Syria through distribution of bread and food kits since access to food remains to be a problem. While with the fundamental shift in the political situation in Syria, the families try to rebuild their lives, the project will support them by meeting their most essential needs and will ensure food security until the financial and infrastructural problems are resolved.
Syria suffers from the impacts of the war which has lasted more than a decade. While the political situation shifts and there are expectations for the rebuilding, the disruptions in the supply chains, the hyperinflation and the infrastructural problems cause difficulties in accessing food. While the internally displaced and the refugees are returning and re-establishing their lives, still over 72% of Syrians rely on aid with hunger levels rising.
In the rapidly changing context in Syria, the project will provide bread and food kits to the families who are trying to re-establish their lives in Syria. While the dependency on aid continues in the country with 16.7 M out of 23.5 M population in need, the project will contribute to food security through distribution of basic and essential food items. The food items will be distributed to the most vulnerable and underserved populations who have no access to food.
The project will support the IDPs and refugees who are returning to Syria to rebuild their lives for themselves and their families. While hunger remains to be a life challenging problem in the country, the project will support the families in ensuring food security while they are making investments for their longer term stability in the country.
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