Educate vulnerable children in Rwanda

by Empower Develop Dignify (EDD)
Educate vulnerable children in Rwanda
Educate vulnerable children in Rwanda
Educate vulnerable children in Rwanda
Educate vulnerable children in Rwanda
Educate vulnerable children in Rwanda
Educate vulnerable children in Rwanda
Educate vulnerable children in Rwanda
Educate vulnerable children in Rwanda
Educate vulnerable children in Rwanda
Educate vulnerable children in Rwanda


We aim to provide high-quality, holistic education to vulnerable children from low-income backgrounds to give them opportunities to flourish and prosper. In 2021 we started a nursery school for children aged 3-6 years using the principles of Early Childhood Development (ECD) and now have a total of 75 children studying with us. This year the children graduating from that program will enter our new primary program of excellence bringing the total to 100 students and growing.

total goal
monthly donors


The Genocide against the Tutsi left Rwanda in shock in its wake. Despite the significant progress the country has made, 39 percent of the population still live below the poverty line. Children who are disproportionately affected find themselves deprived of basic needs. However, Rwanda is a forward-facing country with bright ambitions to meet that future. Its vision is to be a world leader as as it bounces back from a troubled past and tackles poverty and gaps in the education system.


Our school follows the Rwandan national Competency Based Curriculum in the spirit in which it was intended - an inspiring, forward-thinking curriculum that is preparing Rwanda's youth to be positive contributors to society and equipping them for the 21st Century global economy. Alongside academic proficiency, our program provides children with a holistic education including the social, emotional and mindfulness skills to have a positive relationship with themselves and the world around them.

Long-Term Impact

Educating children that are at a disadvantage will be crucial in getting them to develop a capacity for lifelong learning. We hope they will grow to be leaders that are addressing inequalities in their communities and helping in bridging the gap between the existing disparities. Our education, rooted in civic responsibility and human diversity, will ensure that our students grow in respect for one another and co-existence.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Empower Develop Dignify (EDD)

Location: Kigali, Rwanda - Rwanda
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Charles Hazabintwali
Kigali , Rwanda

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