Dear friends,
Today, we would like to share the story of someone who will graduate from the Faculty of Medicine soon. Although a bright future awaits her, her story is a bit sad. But the sad side of this story will end soon and she will be a strong young woman standing on her own feet, getting rid of her difficulties. In short, a bright future awaits her despite the difficulties she have. However, it has not been easy for her to achieve them. Now we will give the floor to her;
"I actually don't know exactly where to start. My father drowned at the sea in a city where he went to work as a construction worker in 1997. My mother tried to grow us all alone in a village. Later we moved to another city where we could work altogether. We did house cleaning with my mother, brother and sister. We were not welcomed in this city because we came from outside. Life did not allow us to find peace at that time.
For this reason, I learned at a very young age what poverty and loneliness are. I understood that unless we get a good education and have a profession, life will not fall to us. I knew that I had to study in order to exist, to live as myself. For me, the most valuable person in my life was my mother. My mother fought against very harsh conditions for us, and I had to do something for her.
Nevertheless, I couldn't have had anything easy in my life, and of course my university life was not easy. Now I'm fighting to exist alone in a city where I study medicine to be a medical doctor. I try to help my family more than myself. Because my mother has been working hard for years, her health has been deteriorated. She has many health problems in her feet and neck.
My brother is preparing again for the Faculty of Law, and his tuition costs are too high. The salary of jobs that my sister gets is very low. I have to say that it is very difficult to be fatherless and financially inadequate. However, my mother taught us that no matter what happens in this life, we have to study and stand up for the difficulties. We do this for our mother.
Luckily, I will be a medical doctor and I want to touch the lives of thousands of girls like me in the future. Let's fill the world with beauty and goodness so that this world is livable despite everything.”