Teenage pregnancy continues to be a stark reality in Sierra Leone - resulting in many girls dropping out of school each year. This tragically affects their educational progress and future career opportunities. This project provides an appropriate educational alternative for 100 pregnant girls to ensure they can make educational progress. Girl are supported through psycho-social counseling, scholarships and computer training - focused on helping them get their lives back on track.
The inability of a pregnant girl or young mother to continue school can be one the most harmful and psychologically distressing aspects of early pregnancy / motherhood. This has an additional crippling, long-term, career-crippling impact. Many of these girls have been ostracized and abandoned by their boyfriends and immediate family members. Destitute, they have no hope for the future and no way to support themselves and their children.
Each girl receives individual coaching, moral support and psycho-social support / counseling to ensure on-going educational progress. Scholarships and microfinance funds are helping the girls resume their education and earn a living to support themselves. The girls also receive computer training in our computer lab with access to curriculum materials and video tutorials. With this support, the girls are able to continue to learn and take the next step towards self-sufficiency.
These deserving girls will be able to complete this critical step of their education. This will enable them to progress in their careers. As a result, their future employment opportunities will not be adversely or negatively affected. This educational lifeline will re-open the door of opportunities for them. This timely intervention will bring real hope and help them escape from potential future unemployment and poverty.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).