Empowering Youth Through Higher Education

by Warm Heart Worldwide, Inc
Empowering Youth Through Higher Education
Empowering Youth Through Higher Education
Empowering Youth Through Higher Education
Empowering Youth Through Higher Education
Empowering Youth Through Higher Education
Empowering Youth Through Higher Education
Empowering Youth Through Higher Education
Empowering Youth Through Higher Education
Empowering Youth Through Higher Education
Empowering Youth Through Higher Education
Empowering Youth Through Higher Education
Empowering Youth Through Higher Education
Empowering Youth Through Higher Education
Empowering Youth Through Higher Education
Empowering Youth Through Higher Education
Empowering Youth Through Higher Education
Empowering Youth Through Higher Education
Empowering Youth Through Higher Education
Empowering Youth Through Higher Education
Empowering Youth Through Higher Education


Hill Tribe Children in remote mountain villages of Northern Thailand have little chance to escape a life of poverty. Educational opportunities are minimal. Too often they turn to the sex trade for survival. We offer an alternative choice. We begin by helping them learn the Thai language so they can attend public school, providing required uniforms, transportation, after-school tutoring, health care, and a safe home. Then we support them as far as they can reach for higher education.

total goal
monthly donors


The remote mountain villages have no schools or one room up to 6th grade. The lack of opportunity for a higher education too often sends them to work in the cities in hazardous sex or labor trades. To attend school in the valley, they need a safe place to live, and tutoring so they can catch up with Thai grade-level standards. They need stability and encouragement to dream of a better life. They need support and funding to go to vocational schools or universities and break the cycle of poverty.


Warm Heart empowers them to succeed. We provide the tools needed to pursue higher education, including financial and emotional support. We expand their world and open their eyes to the many career possibilities they can pursue, with a view of the outside world and the opportunity to dream and achieve. We introduce them to the six success traits: Commitment, Confidence, Courage, Creativity, Determination, and Integrity. Over time, we help raise their confidence and self-esteem.

Long-Term Impact

Higher education is a must to succeed. After 15 years, we have 17 college graduates. This year we have 30 students in high school and university. pursuing careers in Electronics, Hospitality, Nursing, and English. These successful young women and men are role models for all our children at Warm Heart, providing inspiration and encouragement to the younger children to continue their education. These young people stay connected to their villages and influence generations to come.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Warm Heart Worldwide, Inc

Location: Phrao, Chiang Mai - Thailand
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @WarmHeartOrg
Project Leader:
Evelind Schecter
Phrao , Chiang Mai Thailand

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