Citizen participation can make a difference in creating a positive future of The Bahamas. ORG's grassroots citizen engagement program, to teach Bahamians of all ages how the power of civic action and voices, can make a positive and meaningful difference in their community and their nation. ORG's team travels to across the islands to build the skills and safe opportunities for Bahamians to participate in creating a more resilient and sustainable Bahamas, where opportunity exists for all.
In The Bahamas, civic participation and the knowledge gap around governance among the citizens is low. In addition, only a few opportunities exist for citizens to engage national decision making processes. This limits citizen input which important vital for inclusive and sustainable development and growth. As the impact from Natural Disasters and Climate Change grow in The Bahamas, greater citizen involvement is paramount to solving existing challenges and building resilience.
Through grassroots citizen education and engagement, ORG will bring informative empowerment sessions to Bahamian communities across the nation. Children, youth and adults will learn how to build their individual and collective power to take positive action to improve their communities and the nation. The grassroots sessions also afford valuable opportunities for Bahamians to give feedback on the challenges that face their communities and solutions to create a thriving and just nation.
Through meaningful, safe and consistent citizen engagement, ORG looks to build the capacity of Bahamians to be involved with community and national decision making. Active and engaged citizens can increase government transparency, accountability and effectiveness, which are critical needs as the Bahamas looks to find sustainable, inclusive and resilient solutions for our communities in the face of the growing threat of Climate change and related natural disasters.
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