Provide Foster Families in Brazil

by Instituto Fazendo Historia
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Provide Foster Families in Brazil
Provide Foster Families in Brazil
Provide Foster Families in Brazil
Provide Foster Families in Brazil
Provide Foster Families in Brazil
Provide Foster Families in Brazil
Provide Foster Families in Brazil
Provide Foster Families in Brazil
Provide Foster Families in Brazil
Provide Foster Families in Brazil
Provide Foster Families in Brazil
Provide Foster Families in Brazil
Provide Foster Families in Brazil
Provide Foster Families in Brazil
Provide Foster Families in Brazil
Provide Foster Families in Brazil
Provide Foster Families in Brazil

Project Report | Jun 18, 2018
Testimony from a foster family in Brazil

By Roberta Vialli | Project leader

Dear donor,

We would like to share news with you thougout this lovely testimony from a foster family of the project!

The Foster Families is a foster service for children who are temporarily removed from their families by court order. During this period of separation children receive care and protection from qualified families and systematically monitored to perform this function. Meanwhile, the host staff takes care, closely monitors and evaluates the changes and achievements of biological families until they can take back the care of their children.

The foster family of Peter tells us stories of bondage, of care and development:

"Pedro arrived with his almost two months of life and little cry. Less cry. Apathy. Discomfort and even fear of the bath. He did not complain of hunger. I was waiting for your time ... And we got to know each other. And he was appropriating his right to hunger, thirst, cold, heat, pain, fear, pleasure, joy. A week later I smiled when we sang to him. And he enjoyed it: music, bath, lap, play, wind bell, dog, jabuticaba fruit ... And the smile once released did not abandon him anymore. Smile to show the sky of the mouth. And it came from the soul reaching out and captivating everyone within reach.

And the characters of his story were arriving and circulating around him: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, friends, techniques, acquaintances of both. And all equally captivated by their sweetness born of simple affection. Free nutrition that was lacking for the blossoming of the human Pedro. Lovely little boy.

"The mind that opens itself to a new idea will never return to its original size" (Albert Einstein). My family and I are a Foster Family in Brazil. Theoretically we take children away from their mothers so that they have a family experience while clarifying the situation; that is, we give love, affection, attention, lap, bottles, nappies, baths, baby food ... We give?!? We received! We receive pure love! Like the mind, here is the soul that expands, the gaze that opens to the other, to so many intertwined stories, without room for judgment, with much emotion and even twisted. Learning, empathy, laughter, tears, arrivals and departures. And the heart, now expanded, carries also Peter. "

Thank you,

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Organization Information

Instituto Fazendo Historia

Location: Sumarezinho, Sao Paulo - Brazil
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @institutofh
Project Leader:
Daniela Vasconcellos
Sumarezinho , Sao Paulo Brazil
$10,903 raised of $16,000 goal
141 donations
$5,097 to go
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