Storm Eta Emergency Response in Guatemala

by IsraAID
Storm Eta Emergency Response in Guatemala
Storm Eta Emergency Response in Guatemala
Storm Eta Emergency Response in Guatemala
Storm Eta Emergency Response in Guatemala
Storm Eta Emergency Response in Guatemala
Storm Eta Emergency Response in Guatemala
Storm Eta Emergency Response in Guatemala
Storm Eta Emergency Response in Guatemala
Storm Eta Emergency Response in Guatemala
Storm Eta Emergency Response in Guatemala

Project Report | Jun 21, 2020
Community Support Amid COVID-19

By IsraAID Staff | IsraAID Guatemala

Two years on from the eruption of Volcan de Fuego in June 2018, IsraAID’s Guatemala mission is still necessary for many vulnerable people in Escuintla. The COVID-19 pandemic has only added challenges, for people who may not have access to water, soap, and other supplies, and may be struggling to find work during this time.

Throughout the pandemic, IsraAID’s team in Guatemala has focused on making sure the community has the necessary hygiene and food supplies, as well as the correct information to stay as healthy as possible. We have been distributing flyers to raise awareness and increase knowledge about the virus and good habits to practice. These flyers were given to local community members, but the team also gave informative posters to local service providers for any service users to see. For community members who are older or who have existing health problems, they have been equipped with hygiene supplies to minimize the chance of infection.

Not even the most difficult of situations can prevent the community from helping each other.

Maria is currently managing to live with cancer. It is difficult for her to find a job because of her illness, and as a result, doesn’t always take her medicines because she cannot afford them. Her mother- and father-in-law live just next door, but they are too old to work anymore and therefore cannot financially support Maria through her illness. It isn’t only Maria that has medical issues, as her mother-in-law also has diabetes. Through IsraAID and another NGO, Maria receives boxes of food, bringing some relief to the daily challenges that she faces. In the face of her illness, she still chooses to share the content of these boxes with her in-laws, and often the sharing goes the other way.

Santos is 87 years old. She lives alone which is normally challenging enough, but she has been struggling even more so during the pandemic as she is not able to go out to get food for herself, and she does not have anyone to provide for her. One box can make the simple difference of how many meals Santos will have this week.

Juana’s husband and two of her children died in the volcanic eruption. Fortunately, she has six children that survived the disaster. Her 15-year old son has epilepsy, and she sometimes can’t afford to buy him medicine, but her neighbors help her out to buy the necessary medication. There are some days where they don’t have anything to eat, so the food boxes can be a lifeline for Juana and her family.

Thank you for supporting IsraAID's Guatemala mission during this especially challenging period.

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Feb 27, 2020
Training Professionals & Community Workers

By IsraAID Staff | Guatemala

Nov 26, 2019
Training Leaders in Psychological First Aid

By IsraAID Staff | Guatemala

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Location: Tel Aviv, Merkaz - Israel
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @IsraAID
Project Leader:
Ethan Schwartz
Tel Aviv , Merkaz Israel

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