Hand-in-Hand Dialysis Aid Program

by Great Heart Charity Association
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Hand-in-Hand Dialysis Aid Program
Hand-in-Hand Dialysis Aid Program
Hand-in-Hand Dialysis Aid Program
Hand-in-Hand Dialysis Aid Program
Hand-in-Hand Dialysis Aid Program
Hand-in-Hand Dialysis Aid Program
Hand-in-Hand Dialysis Aid Program
Hand-in-Hand Dialysis Aid Program
Hand-in-Hand Dialysis Aid Program


The plight of underprivileged families rarely receives the same amount of attention or exposure from the media and internet as they hardly have access to these channels to highlight their predicament, especially in times of Covid-19. Therefore, we reach out to this target group by allocating funds and resources to mitigate their burden in seeking healthcare on dialysis treatment.

total goal
monthly donors


Many are not aware of the difficult physical and emotional battle kidney patients in Malaysia face, and the financial challenges they encounter. Going for treatments 3 times a week can bring their treatment costs up to USD820/month, with the average income of the population at only USD688/month. This has caused financial difficulties for the low-income patient. Some patients even refuse treatment because they do not want to be a financial burden to their families. This leads to a certain death.


Addressing SDG Target 3.4 to reduce premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and SDG Target 3.C to increase health financing in least developing countries, Great Heart Charity will support 30 families undergoing dialysis treatment every month by subsidising part of their monthly medical fees to ensure that they get to continue their treatment especially in times of Covid-19 disruption. The cost of running this program amounts to USD6,000 per month.

Long-Term Impact

This program will ensure that quality dialysis healthcare remains within reach for the 30 families whose income and livelihood may be impacted by restriction orders that arises due to Covid-19, where they can continue to be alive with the treatment, and thus, be productive towards the community. Assuming each family has an average of 5 individuals in the household, this program will affect the wellbeing of 150 individuals from the fragile underprivileged background.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Great Heart Charity Association

Location: Shah Alam - Malaysia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @GreatHeartMY
Project Leader:
JH Yuen
Shah Alam , Selangor Malaysia
$58,373 raised of $72,000 goal
661 donations
$13,627 to go
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