Help 200 children change their lives through music

by Sistema Cyprus
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Help 200 children change their lives through music
Help 200 children change their lives through music
Help 200 children change their lives through music
Help 200 children change their lives through music
Help 200 children change their lives through music
Help 200 children change their lives through music
Help 200 children change their lives through music
Help 200 children change their lives through music
Help 200 children change their lives through music
Help 200 children change their lives through music
Help 200 children change their lives through music
Help 200 children change their lives through music
Help 200 children change their lives through music
Help 200 children change their lives through music
Help 200 children change their lives through music
Help 200 children change their lives through music
Help 200 children change their lives through music


Sistema Cyprus is a social-music orchestra and choir program established in 2018, offering free music education to the children and young people of the small island of Cyprus, including migrants, refugees and children and young people with fewer opportunities. Sistema Cyprus ensures these groups are respected, recognized and included in society, focusing on the personal development of its participants focusing primarily on empowerment and helping them reach their full potential through music.

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According to Eurostat (2019), Cyprus is the top refugee receiving country in the EU per capita. The children of this large number of immigrants and refugees are facing increased racism and xenophobia in their daily lives, contributing to their marginalization and social isolation. This obstacle exacerbated by the pandemic is making our work with these groups even more vital in engaging these children and allowing them to shine and thrive.


Children participating in our program are provided with the support and encouragement they need to develop within the safety of the orchestra, seen as a social unit working together in support of one another. Offering the children opportunities to engage with the wider Cypriot and European community through our actions (such as concerts and events) allows them to set goals and dreams. It also exposes society to these marginalized groups and encourages them to acknowledge them and respect them.

Long-Term Impact

With your support, we can reach and engage more children in need, as we strongly believe in the power of music in transforming lives. The project invites the social responsibility we all have for ensuring equal access to opportunities for all children. Only when we identify and speak loud about the diversity in our society, we will be able to create a community that promotes connectedness and makes sure that basic needs for the good life-quality of all members are met.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Sistema Cyprus

Location: Nicosia - Cyprus
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Nicosia , Cyprus

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