Empower 40 Colombian kids in extreme poverty

by ALEIMAR - Voluntary Organization
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Empower 40 Colombian kids in extreme poverty
Empower 40 Colombian kids in extreme poverty
Empower 40 Colombian kids in extreme poverty
Empower 40 Colombian kids in extreme poverty
Empower 40 Colombian kids in extreme poverty
Empower 40 Colombian kids in extreme poverty
Empower 40 Colombian kids in extreme poverty

Project Report | Mar 23, 2020
A help for the future

By Ilaria Ventura | Project Leader

After Christmas, hogar san jeronimo resumed all its activities. The boys resumed the carpentry and electronics courses, and began the cutting and sewing lessons for some mothers of the children followed. The operating staff, composed of 14 people, including a psychologist, an educator and a social worker, has reactivated the psycho-social support service for children who attend the house and, if present, their families. Such assistance is really indispensable because it allows to face and rework the trauma experienced. At the same time, professional workshops enable older children to learn a trade and find a job more easily.

In order to adapt the spaces in which such training takes place to the parameters required by the government, also thanks to your generous donations, have been purchased specific electronic equipment and carpentry materials. However, the environments and techniques taught are still limited and do not meet the requirements for state recognition with the consequent grants and public contributions to cover professional teachers.
We are heading in the right direction, but some help is still needed to really give these kids a future.

In recent days, concern is then turned to the Corona Virus emergency which is affecting the world; the Colombian government has ordered the closure of all schools and, especially in the capital Bogotá, several infections are occurring and panic is spreading very quickly in smaller cities. Our local referent has reassured us that our children are all well, but the fear is really great.

Thank you so much for your generosity, our activity will not stop and we hope to update you with good news!

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Dec 26, 2019
Christmas smiles!

By Ilaria Ventura | Project Leader

Oct 3, 2019
Working for the kids of Hogar San Jeronimo

By Ilenia | Communications intern

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Organization Information

ALEIMAR - Voluntary Organization

Location: Melzo - Italy
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @AleimarOdV
Project Leader:
Francesca Moratti
Melzo , Italy
$2,865 raised of $10,000 goal
44 donations
$7,135 to go
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