Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin

by Hospital of San Vicente Foundation
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin
Hospital classroom for sick children in Medellin

Project Report | Jan 7, 2015
Thanks "Hospital Classroom" to 5000 children

By Natalia Londono | Project Leader

Thanks to the donation of Corporations, individuals, and Hospital employees through the GlobalGiving platform, approximately 5000 children with critical illnesses will have the opportunity to access a new teacher in 2015 in our "hospital classroom". This will have a tremendous impact to the program allowing children to change negative emotions into smiles, games and learning experiences.. 

Carrying out playful, recreational and artistic activities guided by a TEACHER encourages children and their families to be happy, creative, joyful, upbeat, relaxed and to have fun during the hospitalization period. Also, the teacher’s support in a formal curriculum plan enables children to keep up with their school learning process.

       Music therapy: reduces anxiety, improves self-esteem, helps socialization and increases creativity.

  • Laughter therapy: reduces fear, improves acceptance of treatments and reduces pain.
  • Reading: Helps children relate to characters who are also suffering and address taboo subjects that they must talk about but are generally avoided such as: death, pain, rage, helplessness, and loneliness.
  • Games: They help children understand, accept and confront their situation. They help children express their feelings, relieving them of emotional strain such as stress and anxiety. 


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Organization Information

Hospital of San Vicente Foundation

Location: Medellin, Antioquia - Colombia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @sanvicentefund
Project Leader:
Ana María Londoño Rivera
Medellin , Antioquia Colombia

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