Future of 500 Homeless Animals Without Pain

by Public Foundation Sustainable Development of Local Communities
Future of 500 Homeless Animals Without Pain
Future of 500 Homeless Animals Without Pain
Future of 500 Homeless Animals Without Pain
Future of 500 Homeless Animals Without Pain
Future of 500 Homeless Animals Without Pain
Future of 500 Homeless Animals Without Pain
Future of 500 Homeless Animals Without Pain
Future of 500 Homeless Animals Without Pain
Future of 500 Homeless Animals Without Pain
Future of 500 Homeless Animals Without Pain
Future of 500 Homeless Animals Without Pain
Future of 500 Homeless Animals Without Pain
Future of 500 Homeless Animals Without Pain
Future of 500 Homeless Animals Without Pain
Future of 500 Homeless Animals Without Pain
Future of 500 Homeless Animals Without Pain


Reduction of the number of homeless animals in Talgar through mass sterilization and castration, which will allow humane control of their population and improve living conditions for both animals and people.

total goal
monthly donors


Rural areas of the Almaty region have faced a serious problem of increasing numbers of homeless animals, leading to a range of negative consequences for residents. The number of homeless cats and dogs continues to grow, requiring a systematic and long-term approach to solving this problem. Key aspects of the problem: 1. Health and safety risk for the population; 2. Public order disruption; 3. Ethical and moral aspects; 4. Economic costs.


1. Reducing the number of homeless animals; 2. Improving animal health; 3. Reducing aggressiveness; 4. Economic efficiency; 5. Increasing public responsibility; 6. Creating a safe and comfortable urban environment. The project requires coordinated efforts of volunteers, veterinarians, city authorities, and residents. As a result, significant improvement in the situation with homeless animals can be achieved, creating favorable conditions for all participants in the urban community.

Long-Term Impact

Statistics on animal bites over the past 2 years showed that in 2023 there were 730 animal bites, of which 350 were children, and in 2024 there were 680 bites, of which 300 were children. The problem with stray, homeless dogs needs to be solved, reducing their number. The action in spring 2025 will help reduce the number of stray dogs through free sterilization and castration, addressing the issue of increasing numbers of homeless animals and its negative consequences.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).


Organization Information

Public Foundation Sustainable Development of Local Communities

Location: Talgar, Almaty - Kazakhstan
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Elena Kenesova
Talgar , Almaty Kazakhstan

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