Income Generation Scheme for Women of Thar

Income Generation Scheme for Women of Thar
Income Generation Scheme for Women of Thar
Income Generation Scheme for Women of Thar
Income Generation Scheme for Women of Thar
Income Generation Scheme for Women of Thar
Income Generation Scheme for Women of Thar
Income Generation Scheme for Women of Thar
Income Generation Scheme for Women of Thar
Income Generation Scheme for Women of Thar
Income Generation Scheme for Women of Thar
Income Generation Scheme for Women of Thar
Income Generation Scheme for Women of Thar

Project Report | Aug 18, 2022
Goats and their milk for the women and their children of Thar

By Dr. Asif Mahmood Jah | Project Leader

Goat and happy family
Goat and happy family

Respected Donors, 

Seasons Greetings!

It gives me immense pleasure to inform you that Customs Health Care Society (CHCS) besides providing safe drinking water, Green Farms and Bricked wall houses with your kind support and collaboration with GlobalGiving Foundation. CHCS has also been empowering women/ widows (specifically) in Thar under its project "Income Generation Scheme for Women of Thar". Since its initiation under this Project (Income Generation Scheme for Women of Thar - #41016) the poor women of Thar especially the widows are being provided with goats so that the can feed their children with the milk of goats and earn some income by selling the offspring of goats who breed twice a year.  Recently, the scope of this project has been widened to cover more poor families of Thar. In this regard, research has been conducted and families with low/ no income were identified/ registered.

Moreover, goats were distributed among some of the newly registered families as this project is getting lukewarm response from local/ foreign donors. However, CHCS is doing whatever it can do to maximize the outreach of this project at a reasonable pace.

It is further added that in the coming days, CHCS intends to deliver one goat to each family with low/ no income, thus, uplifting the socio-economic condition of people of Thar in general and women of Thar in particular. The donors are kindly requested donate generously for this project in order to distribute more goats to the deserving families.


Asif Mahmood Jah

Widow family with the goat
Widow family with the goat
Mother and little with their goat
Mother and little with their goat
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May 18, 2022
Goats for the women of Thar

By Dr. Asif Mahmood Jah | Project Leader

Jan 31, 2022
More goats for women of Thar

By Dr. Asif Mahmood Jah | Project Leader

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Organization Information


Location: Lahore - Pakistan
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @jahmahmood
Project Leader:
Asif Jah
Lahore , LAHORE Pakistan
$854 raised of $30,000 goal
6 donations
$29,146 to go
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