Support the USAP Community School in Zimbabwe!

by Education Matters
Support the USAP Community School in Zimbabwe!
Support the USAP Community School in Zimbabwe!
Support the USAP Community School in Zimbabwe!
Support the USAP Community School in Zimbabwe!
Support the USAP Community School in Zimbabwe!
Support the USAP Community School in Zimbabwe!
Support the USAP Community School in Zimbabwe!
Support the USAP Community School in Zimbabwe!
Support the USAP Community School in Zimbabwe!
Support the USAP Community School in Zimbabwe!

Project Report | Dec 10, 2021
Our first USAP Community School Graduation

By Eve | Development Manager


As we come to the end of 2021, we have so much to be grateful for at the USAP Community School.  In Zimbabwe, schools reopened in September after two months of lockdown delays.  Our students were excited to be back on campus for their final academic term ahead of their November Cambridge AS and A Level examinations for the Lower 6 and Upper 6 students respectively.   

We held our Capstone Showcase of year-long research projects conducted by 44 students in the graduating class. The showcase topics included high rates of teenage pregnancies, waste management, the design of low cost water filters for low income communities, and the arts. Thanks to a generous donation from one of our supporters, 12 students received fellowships to implement their solutions in their communities in the gap period prior to departing for university. We look forward to seeing  our students making impactful contributions in their local communities.

Early this December we were excited to witness the graduation of the inaugural cohort of 45 students from the USAP Community School. This is a historic moment for faculty, staff and supporters of our school given all the operating challenges brought on by the pandemic. We are grateful for your continued support as all this would not be possible without you.  We wish our graduates best of luck as they continue their college applications in the next few months.

We have finished carefully selecting 41 students who will make our third cohort and will join us in February 2022.  We are impressed by their determination and talent and look forward to providing them with a truly transformative education - the key to their future and that of their families and communities. We hope you will continue to support us as we work toward our goal of further developing our school and providing opportunities to more determined high-achieving Zimbabwean students from low-income backgrounds. 


Thank you and wishing you Happy Holidays!

Capstone Showcase
Capstone Showcase
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Organization Information

Education Matters

Location: Harare - Zimbabwe
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @edmattersafrica
Project Leader:
Rebecca Zeigler Mano
Harare , Zimbabwe
$64,235 raised of $100,000 goal
897 donations
$35,765 to go
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