Project Report
| Mar 9, 2015
10 Medical & Health Awareness Sessions conducted in 250 Mother during Dec to Feb 2015
By Tahira Rajput | Women Program Officer
Mothers needed medical camps support
10 - Medical & Health Awareness Sessions conducted in 250 Mother during Dec to Feb 2015
AHD staff conducted medical and health awareness sessions in some 250 mothers and targeted some 12 villages in Jati area of district Sujawal during Dec 2014 to Feb 2015. During Medical & health Awareness sessions it was observed that some 250 Mother and families looking health facilities, health of said women is poor and facing food shortage and health facilities. The nearby Basic Health units not working or closed and women travel 10-22 km to reach at Jati city Taluka Hospital and some time during travel they got more sick and death happens. AHD wants to complete the Mother & Child Health Center at Master Sadiq Goth Jati, some 70% work has been completed and now only 30 % work remaining in completion of AHD Mother & Child Health Center near Jati. MCH Center is about 19 km away from main city Jati and will cover about 5000 families of 3 UCs 1. Sereblaro, 2. Khanto & 3. Raj Malik. We hope quick donation to complete AHD MCH Center functional in first quarter of the 2015. The total funds needed for roof and equipments only 2,500 US $. We
For more please feel free to contact us at or can call to record your views and suggestions at Ph: +92-22-3860880
Women sharing their health issues
Dec 9, 2014
Women facing food and medical health facilities shortage near Jati
By Mubarak Yaqub | Program Manager
Women facing food and medical health facilities near Jati Sindh
Women of Jati costal area facing food & medical health facilities shortage near Jati district Sujawal. About 1000 small farmers residing near coastal belt near Raj Malik Zero & Point not cultivated rice crop as water shortage and now they facing food and medical shortage vulnerability. The farmers residing tail end of water canal not cultivated rice crop on their agricultural lands due to water shortage. AHD staff came to know about this situation during visits conducted last week Nov 26 to 28th 2014 by Mr. Mubarak Yaqub, program coordinator Climate Change & DRR of AHD shared field visit report to office and details about the water shortage and its consequences as other famers of Jati area now harvesting rice crop as they cultivated their rice crop during July to August 2014.
AHD committed to provide awareness about food security & short term food and medical support for women in these irrigation water shortage hit areas. Our project will 15 villages and direct families 600 with total estimated population about 3,600. We hope this report will help poor families facing food and medical shortage, as the Christmas thanksgiving season and we hope more donations & support for this project in this month.
For more please feel free to contact us at , we will be happy to share more info and reply with answer
With thanks
Sep 9, 2014
Floods 2014 hit Hard Punjab Pakistan & Moving towards Sindh
By Khurshid Bhatti | President / CEO
Flood hit more than 600 villages in Punjab 2014
Pakistan Again hit by Floods 2014 as the consequences was not over of 2010, 2011, 2012 & 2013
Torrential monsoon rains at the beginning of September 2014 killed at least 89 people in Pakistan's most populous province Punjab and in Pakistani-administered Kashmir. The National Disaster Management Authority warned there was a high risk of flooding in three towns along the Chenab river in Punjab and asked people to leave low-lying and vulnerable areas. Troops have been mobilized for flood relief duties in eastern Punjab. The death toll was likely to rise as reports were coming in of floodwaters sweeping through villages in rural areas. Pakistan has suffered deadly monsoon floods for the last four years – in 2013, 178 people were killed and around 1.5 million affected by flooding around the country.
AHD want to support people affected by floods 2014 on urgent basis and your support will help us to reach FLOOD VICTIS 2014 in Punjab & Sindh.
For more please feel free to get updated information at Ph: +92-22-3860880 Email:
300 villages submerged in flood 2014 Pakistan