Project Report
| Apr 4, 2022
AHD Started Rehabilitation for 500 COVID-19 hit families in Sujawal District
By Khurshid Bhatti | Project Leader
women trained in FES cooking stove
AHD Started Rehabilitation for 500 COVID-19 hit families in Sujawal District
Association for Humanitarian Development supporting COVID-19 hit families in Pakistan and supporting families who lost their loved ones and faced worst hit situation during shutdown close down markets. AHD planned for the 500 families to be targeted and supported to do start sustainable activities of Nadi filter, cooking stove, kitchen gardening and low-cost shelter.
We need support to get start trainings in 20 villages and about 500 families will get benefited from this project. We at AHD hope this project will enable us to reach more 500 headed families in Sujawal district.
Nadi filter for poor rural families
Kitchen gardening seeds
Dec 6, 2021
Urgently Food packets, hygiene kits planned for 500 families in rural areas of Pakistan
By Khurshid Bhatti | Project Leader
Poor families looking food
Urgently Food packets, hygiene kits planned for 500 families in rural areas of Pakistan
COVID-19 hit large all over the world and Pakistan is also one of the major effected country where economy shrinks low down and people of rural areas impact large with shortage of food and health facilities, AHD plan for preparing 500 kits food and health and hygiene, the details are: Food kits 1. Flour 10 kg, cooking oil 2.5 kg, sugar 5 kg, lentils 3 kg, milk 3 kg salt 2 kg, chilies 1 kg and 2. Health kit, towel, masks 2 packet, hand sanitizers 2 bottle and soap 5 each family the Food kit Rs. 4,500 and Health kit Rs. 2,500 Total one family package is 7,000 and US $ 42 only for 500 only US $ 21,000
Hope donors of this project once again help this project to support our this initiative to help poor rural communities
Sep 25, 2021
Rural Women/children facing Food & Medical Shortag
By Khurshid Bhatti | Project Leader
Food distribution
Rural Women/children facing Food & Medical Shortage
Women & Children of Sujawal Badin & Sujawal district of costal area facing food & medical health facilities shortage. Small farmers residing near coastal belt at tail end & zero point not cultivated rice crop as water shortage and now they facing food and medical shortage vulnerability. The farmers residing tail end of water canal not cultivated rice crop on their agricultural lands due to water shortage
AHD committed to provide awareness about food security & short term food and medical support for women in these irrigation water shortage hit areas. Our project will help 20 villages and direct families 250 with total estimated population about 300. We hope this report will help poor families facing food and medical shortage, as the Christmas thanksgiving season and we hope more donations & support for this project in this month.
For more please feel free to contact us at , we will be happy to share more info and reply with answer
With thanks