Project Report
| Apr 24, 2021
Emergency Food for 250 families Distributed
By Khurshid Bhatti | Project Leader
Food for poor families
Emergency Food for 250 families Distributed near Sujawal District
AHD doing efforts and helping COVID-19 affected poor people who don’t have access to food and forced to poverty due to shortage of labor and crops and irrigation water in remote areas of Sujawal district. AHD looking to help more 250 families in coming months or quarter, however looking your all support and help in donation for this project during 3rd wave of COVID-19 hit Pakistan badly
The 25 families package can be 25 US $ for one family and for 250 families 6,250 US $ needed urgently
For more please feel free share or ask for more information, we will be happy to provide all
Food for poor families
Jan 11, 2021
Food Security for COVID-19 victims of Rural Communities
By Khurshid Bhatti | Project Leader
Field visit AHD staff in rural families
Food Security for COVID-19 victims of Rural Communities
COVID-19 crises ending up in developing countries and its losses and damages are huge scale since its arrival in early Feb 2020. Pakistan has been affected via COVID-19 impact of shutdown international level and in the country. The poor communities affected at large and AHD target areas also affected in the rural areas as they don’t have access to travel in the city and Feb to March and April 2020 complete shutdown in the country
About 200 families cultivated wheat crop 2-4 acre and their young women skilled via sewing skill now earning via sewing cloths of their villages, A wonderful future of these 200 families and getting enough to secure their whole year as food security
Needs to help 150 more families with these food security skill, we need for this project 30,000 US $ to enable more 150 families towards food security
Sep 22, 2020
Heavy Rain Creates Floods situation for COVID-19 Victims
By Khurshid Bhatti | Project Leader
Flood water in villages
Heavy Rain Creates Floods situation for COVID-19 Victims
COVID-19 hit early Feb-March in Pakistan and damaged large scale people to STAY AT HOME during COVID-19, farmers and rural communities affected as markets closed and rate of their crops grown down and now in end of August to start of Sept 2020 Heavy Rain hot Costal area of Sindh and damaged thousands of the houses under water. The poor families lost their houses and all they store at home submerged in floods water, now COVI-19 and Floods Pakistan 2020 both creating difficulties for poor and vulnerable people.
Needs urgently to help these women with support of food stuff and safe drinking water, AHD transporting Nadi filters for them and about 500 families soon get access to safe and clean drinking water …. AHD staff also helping them with making distance and secure themselves form COVID-19.
Flood water in villages