Malaria can be fatal for children, pregnant women, and adults living with HIV, even though it is preventable and curable. Lives can be saved for pennies per day, as provision of a net costs a mere $5. Proper use of nets leads to improved health, higher school attendance, and fewer missed day at work. To date more than 80,000 nets have been provided in Zambia. Our goal is to keep vulnerable families malaria free and healthy by providing 20,000 long lasting insecticide treated nets, and education.
Malaria kills more than 500,000 children die every year, even though it is both preventable & curable. In Zambia, a large percentage (30-50%) of the population is infected by malaria due to a high incidence of HIV (weakens the immune system), water logging (prefect breeding ground for mosquitoes), and poor sanitation. Malaria can be fatal for young children, and pregnant women who are living with HIV. In addition, children who contract malaria suffer from its effects over their entire lifetime.
Our goal is to eradicate malaria from Zambia. Since, sleeping under a net is the most cost effective way of preventing malaria, provision of 20,000 long lasting insecticide treated nets will benefit 35,000 adults/75,000 children as each net can sleep 4 children/2 adults. Beneficiaries will be the most vulnerable populations: young/HIV+ children & adults, pregnant women, older adults, & people infected with TB. Education on prevention of malaria and use and maintenance of nets will be provided.
This ongoing program has led to a reduction in the incidence of malaria, and better health for all especially, young children, expecting mothers, and people living with HIV. Better health results in healthier newborns, higher school attendance & high school graduation rates, adults miss fewer days at work so incomes are more stable. With better knowledge about prevention, malaria deaths can be reduced to zero. In the long term the community is more self-reliant and can solve problems on its own.
This project has provided additional documentation in a XLSX file (projdoc.xlsx).
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