Providing Education & Training to Women in India

by Action Change (Formerly GVI Trust)
Providing Education & Training to Women in India
Providing Education & Training to Women in India
Providing Education & Training to Women in India
Providing Education & Training to Women in India
Providing Education & Training to Women in India
Providing Education & Training to Women in India
Providing Education & Training to Women in India
Providing Education & Training to Women in India
Providing Education & Training to Women in India
Providing Education & Training to Women in India
Providing Education & Training to Women in India
Providing Education & Training to Women in India
Providing Education & Training to Women in India
Providing Education & Training to Women in India
Providing Education & Training to Women in India
Providing Education & Training to Women in India

Project Report | Aug 30, 2018
Supporting Our Partners Through Our Summer Programmes and More!

By Paul Whitehouse | Program Manager

Dear Supporters,

The focus of this quarter has been providing support for our project partners during the holiday period by running Summer Programmes in various schools and community centres around Ernakulum. In addition to this we have also run Gender Equality workshops in schools and with community groups, helped with capacity building amongst teachers, supported the vocational unit of a school for people with special educational needs, run an awareness raising campaign for a child advocacy centre in Fort Kochi, and built more vegetable gardens for our project partners.

Between April and July lots of our project partners need extra support, as it’s a holiday period for most schools in Kerala. This year GVI Kerala assisted by conducting Summer Programmes in local schools and community centres. The objective of a summer programme is for students to learn all about communication, teamwork, planning, idea generation, and time-management. They do this by working closely with our volunteers, who act as their champions and mentors, setting creative challenges for the students to solve as a team, over a two week period. The students then present a final showcase of their learning to their parents at the end of the programme. The summer programmes that we ran this year were a huge success and helped support our hub objective of enabling the absolute development of children and young adults in Kerala by providing support and training in life skill based education. The project also directly contributed to the 4th Sustainable Development goal: Ensuring Inclusive and quality education for all and promoting lifelong learning.

Another highlight of the last few months has been the building of vegetable gardens in one of our local schools. With support from the GVI trust, our volunteers have helped to build three vegetable gardens for our project partners over the last few months. Each school in Kerala is required 

to have a vegetable garden to help sustain itself and provide the students with healthy school meals. In helping build these vegetable gardens we have contributed towards the 3rd Sustainable Development Goal by Ensuring healthy lives and promoting wellbeing for all at all ages.

In addition to these initiatives, GVI has also been working with groups of students from both Duke University and Ohio State University in the USA, to help deliver our programmes. The students from Duke University helped to design and deliver Gender Equality and Consent workshops to teenage boys and girls at one of our partner schools. The workshops were designed to address topics such as gender roles and consent. Sex education is often a required part of school curriculums throughout the world. Unfortunately this is not always the case and certainly not always in India. In a report written by the Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights, in India “Most schools – private and public affiliated with state boards of secondary education do not have any form of sexuality education in their curricula.” The workshops we ran focused on numerous topics, with gender equality, the differences between sex and gender, body parts and gender stereotypes being introduced at different stages. The pupils were engaged through interactive activities, small and large group discussions, creative sessions and role-plays. This project directly contributed towards the 5th Sustainable Development Goal of achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls.

The Ohio State group helped us with the restructuring and rebranding of the vocational unit at one of our partner schools for people with special educational needs. In assisting the vocational unit, we helped create a business plan, improved the marketing and promoted the products that were being created. We also increased awareness, improved systems for record keeping and analysis of data, increased profits, and developed tools to assist the teachers in implementing their new business plan. Alongside the new business plan we also ran full day training sessions for the teachers and developed a “how to” manual so that staff would be able to more effectively manage the new business.

In the last few months we have helped develop really strong relationships with our project partners, supporting them to support themselves, with human empowerment at the centre of everything that we do. This is definitely the direction that we intend on continuing in, with the aim of impact an sustainability at the heart of our programmes. Your help and support has enabled us to create stronger programmes, whilst empowering communities. We will keep you updated with further programme developments. Your continued support is very much appreciated and really helps to make a difference. Thank you, over and over again! 

With Gratitude, 

GVI India Community Team 

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Apr 17, 2018
St Georges School Refurbishments

By Paul Whitehouse | Project Leader

Jan 17, 2018
Plant Smiles, Grow Laughter and Harvest Love

By Helen Mulgan | GVI Kerala, Base Manager

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Organization Information

Action Change (Formerly GVI Trust)

Location: London - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Tyrone Bennett
London , London United Kingdom

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