Raising income for 70 single Mom's living in slum

by Yengat Birhan Charity Organization
Raising income for 70 single Mom's living in slum
Raising income for 70 single Mom's living in slum
Raising income for 70 single Mom's living in slum
Raising income for 70 single Mom's living in slum
Raising income for 70 single Mom's living in slum
Raising income for 70 single Mom's living in slum
Raising income for 70 single Mom's living in slum
Raising income for 70 single Mom's living in slum


Single Mom's in Ethiopia are facing many socio economic challenges due to many inter related reasons like: lack of education and information, in adequate government and social support system and inequalities. As result, women are forced to lead very stressful life.To address women's burden, Yengat Birhan Charity Association is planning to improve the income of 70 single Mom's who live in Addis Ababa slum villages, by giving training and facilitate their engagement in income generating activities

total goal
monthly donors


Challenge, Single Moms in Ethiopia particularly in the target area struggle to support their children with all the challenges including cultural issues, very low economic states and lack of basic information. There for single Mom's deserve to get assistance to improve their family life.


Solution, Assisting single mothers to engaged in income generating activities to bring a long lasting change in their family life and create community awareness to provide social support for single mothers.

Long-Term Impact

Single Mom's will realize their potential and engaged in income generating activities to improves the family income, so that they support their children better, furthermore community attitude will be improved and social system will be supportive accompany Single mothers.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).

Organization Information

Yengat Birhan Charity Organization

Location: Addis Ababa, Adiss Ababa - Ethiopia
Project Leader:
Meseret Tesfaye
Addis Ababa , Adiss Ababa Ethiopia

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