Project Report
| Apr 29, 2021
Livestock during Covid-19 is a useful livelihood
By M. Sabrin Ahmed Roty | Project Contributor
![Livestock rearing provides economic support]()
Livestock rearing provides economic support
Lockdown is still going on in Bangladesh due to Covid-19, as a result that low-income people are losing their job. People of the coastal region are the worst victim of losing works due to the pandemic.
BEDS supported 20 Sheep, 100 chicken and 100 ducks to improve their economic situation during Covid-19. The supported people are doing well; they are taking cake of the livestock. They are providing feed and regularly monitoring the livestock. They are getting eggs from chicken and ducks. Some of them sell eggs and getting monetary benefit. Others are rearing chickens and ducks and the number of livestock increasing day by day. They also sell the ducks and chickens for meat and getting economic support. They are taking care of the livestock like new born babies. A new scope for income has been developed and their family income has increased. But there are many more marginal villagers live in the Sundarbans coastal region of Bangladesh, who need the same support.People who depend on the forest resources fall in huge risk as Bangladesh government has issued strict laws on forest resource harvesting. Those people belong to an extremely poor socio economic condition. So, in pandemic situation, they require instant support. Livestock can be a great medium for them to survive. BEDS is currently trying to raise fund from GlobalGiving platform in order to help those marginal people.
We would like to thank all our donors for being so kind to us so far. We are requesting all our kind donors to start monthly recurring donation. For recurring donation, please visit the following link;
Apr 22, 2021
Marginal Families are Getting Food during Covid-19
By M. Sabrin Ahmed Roty | Project Contributor
![Supported sheep by BEDS]()
Supported sheep by BEDS
The situation of Covid-19 in Bangladesh is terrible and situation is getting worse day by day, where more than 100 people are dying every day. In this situation, Bangladesh Government announced lockdown. The biggest problem with lockdown is that low-income people are losing their job. People of the coastal region are the worst victim of losing work sources due to the pandemic.
BEDS supported 30 families with 20 Sheep, 100 chicken and 100 ducks to improve their economic situation during Covid-19. The supported people are doing well. But there are many more marginal villagers live in the Sundarbans coastal region of Bangladesh, who need the same support.People who depend on the forest resources fall in huge risk as Bangladesh government has issued strict laws on forest resource harvesting. Those people belong to an extremely poor socio economic condition. So, in pandemic situation, they require instant support. Livestock can be a great medium for them to survive. BEDS is currently trying to raise fund from GlobalGiving platform in order to help those marginal people.
We would like to thank all our donors for being so kind to us so far. We are requesting all our kind donors to start monthly recurring donation. For recurring donation, please visit the following link;
Apr 15, 2021
Help them to lead a happy life
By M. Sabrin Ahmed Roty | Project Contributor
The supported people are now very happy with those livestock. They expect that these livestock will bring them luck. It turns out to be a great means of alternative livelihood for them. Bangladesh Environment and Development Society (BEDS) has supported 20 Sheep, 100 chicken and 100 ducks to the Sundarbans coastal people (Banishanta union of Dacope sub district of Khulna district). BEDS supported a small number of people, but there are many more marginal villagers live in the Sundarbans coastal region of Bangladesh who need the same support. Majority of the Sundarbans coastal people are forest dwellers (fishermen, honey collectors and nipa collectors) and they have no other alternative income generating sources. But currently, Government of Bangladesh has issued some strict rules and laws on forest resource harvesting. So, the forest the dwellers fall in huge jeopardy. As they belong to a very poor socio economic condition. They can’t help going inside the forest for their living. Children of the families of forest dwellers generally don’t get the opportunity of higher education due to poverty and their parents’ unconsciousness.
BEDS is currently trying to raise fund from GlobalGiving platform in order to help those marginal people and sharing the current state of the project.
We would like to thank all our donors for being so kind to us so far. We are requesting all our kind donors to start monthly recurring donation. For recurring donation, please visit the following link;