Be a changemaker for the forgotten of Central Asia

by Salem Union
Be a changemaker for the forgotten of Central Asia
Be a changemaker for the forgotten of Central Asia
Be a changemaker for the forgotten of Central Asia
Be a changemaker for the forgotten of Central Asia
Be a changemaker for the forgotten of Central Asia
Be a changemaker for the forgotten of Central Asia
Be a changemaker for the forgotten of Central Asia
Be a changemaker for the forgotten of Central Asia
Be a changemaker for the forgotten of Central Asia
Be a changemaker for the forgotten of Central Asia

Project Report | Dec 7, 2020
Celebrations - with a difference

By Tim Munday | Project Leader

Marking International Day of Volunteering
Marking International Day of Volunteering

Much like many places around the world, life is yet to return to normal at Salem after the effects of the pandemic on normal life. Large gatherings and parties are still banned, and that has meant that most of our social projects have been put on hold. Salem Youth cannot meet; we cannot invite groups to go through the AIDS X-perience; and the cafe has only recently been able to re-open.

It's been great to welcome back the World Without Limits social club to Salem just recently, with regulations now meaning that they can meet in limited form - for which they are very grateful. But the normal annual season of New Year parties - for them, for various kids from disadvantaged families, and for our students - will certainly not be happening this year.

Meanwhile, a run of key dates have passed without the opportunity to hold any events to raise awareness of them. Instead, Salem staff put together various social media posts to ensure they were nonetheless noted in some way: 1st December which was the International Day of the Fight against HIV/AIDS; 3rd December which was the International Day for People with Disabilities; and 5th December which was the International Day of Volunteering.

We shall see what 2021 holds, but please be assured that Salem is continuing to engage with these social issues and to take action wherever possible - even if it is with a difference.

With thanks and best wishes from everyone at Salem Social Village

PS Thanks too for all those of you who got involved in Giving Tuesday to support Salem last week, what a great day of global fundraising!

International Day of People with Disabilities
International Day of People with Disabilities
Raising awareness of HIV/AIDS during the pandemic
Raising awareness of HIV/AIDS during the pandemic
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Sep 14, 2020
Great feedback, and a great opportunity

By Tim Munday | Project Leader

Jul 14, 2020
Trying to carry on

By Tim Munday | Project Leader

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Organization Information

Salem Union

Location: Shymkent, South Kazakhstan - Kazakhstan
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @ssvshymkent
Project Leader:
Tim Munday
Shymkent , South Kazakhstan Kazakhstan

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Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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