Save 50 Flood Survivors to rebuild their houses.

Save 50 Flood Survivors to rebuild their houses.
Save 50 Flood Survivors to rebuild their houses.
Save 50 Flood Survivors to rebuild their houses.
Save 50 Flood Survivors to rebuild their houses.
Save 50 Flood Survivors to rebuild their houses.
Save 50 Flood Survivors to rebuild their houses.
Save 50 Flood Survivors to rebuild their houses.
Save 50 Flood Survivors to rebuild their houses.

Project Report | Feb 25, 2021
Progress report on housing floodSurvibord

By James Oyugi Were | Founder/Director

Kapuothe Village is one of the villages within Nyalenda slum within Kisumu county-Kenya. It is a place where most houses are made by mud. They are mud walled, with no good roads and drainage. Our people who resides here are faced with myriad of challenges when it rains.

It took the intervention of friends and organizations such as James Were foundation last year when it rained continuously destroying peoples houses and property. JWF came in to help in the mobilization of resources in helping fix few houses. Our main objective is fixing 50 houses for the flood survivors while we have only managed to a single house.

We are still faced with a big challenge of resource mobilization, we still need to do 49 more houses to realize our goals. The rains are almost back before we fix the remaining 49 while we fear that more houses will still be prone to destruction. Our long term goal will be to open and dredge the rivers around to help in controlling the floods.

The intention of rebuilding the houses and fixing the mess still a hig priority for JWF. We therefore still plead with our friends, partners to come in and help bridge the gap. We value your support and care. Our deserving and inderpriviledged people who live below a dollar a day deserves a better and safe life....better and safe life can only be achieved with your aupport.

May God bless you as we look foward to more partnership. God bless you abundantly.

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Organization Information


Location: KISUMU, Nyanza - Kenya
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @jwerefoundation
Project Leader:
KOtieno Thomas
KISUMU , Nyanza Kenya

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