Save 50 Flood Survivors to rebuild their houses.

Save 50 Flood Survivors to rebuild their houses.
Save 50 Flood Survivors to rebuild their houses.
Save 50 Flood Survivors to rebuild their houses.
Save 50 Flood Survivors to rebuild their houses.
Save 50 Flood Survivors to rebuild their houses.
Save 50 Flood Survivors to rebuild their houses.
Save 50 Flood Survivors to rebuild their houses.
Save 50 Flood Survivors to rebuild their houses.

Project Report | Jul 11, 2023
Building more houses

By James Oyugi were | Director

Hello friends,

The effect of floods is still felt in Kisumu. It affected several areas from Nyalenda,Nyando,Nyakach,some parts of Muhoroni and some parts of Kisumu East. The floods rendered so many people homeless as it destroyed their houses and properties.

JWF has been continuing with the program of building houses to the affected to give them home. We recently built two houses and we still believe that alot more has to be done to help bridge the gap and be near our target of 50 houses. The low cost houses doesn't cost much and we come together we can do much more.

When we build more houses, it means that we have provided shelter to many lives, we have given hope to school going children and we prevent those families from becoming sick either by being in cold or being rained on. We still have the desire to do more. Thank you GLOBAL GIVING for proving platform of networking with the world.

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Mar 23, 2023
progress report

By James Oyugi Were | founder

Dec 5, 2022
Progress Report

By James Oyugi were | Director

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Organization Information


Location: KISUMU, Nyanza - Kenya
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @jwerefoundation
Project Leader:
KOtieno Thomas
KISUMU , Nyanza Kenya

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