Project Report
| Jul 7, 2014
By Natalia Duarte Caceres | Communications and Resource Coordinator
Theatre performance with children from Cazuca
In the last two months, Tiempo de Juego organized two events that strived to change the negative imaginaries associated to the life and the community of Cazucá. The first of these events, a cultural festival called Cazucá Sueña (Cazucá Dreams), was planned and executed by the children and youth who participate weekly in the music and theatre classes offered by Tiempo de Juego. The second event, the TEDxCazucá, was organized by team members from Tiempo de Juego, as well as by some of Cazuca’s emblematic leaders.
Both events drew inspiration from sociological studies that document the positive impact that art, creativity, and culture can have on vulnerable communities. These interventions allowed participants and the larger community to develop an identity of empowerment and self-awareness, while also serving as a channel of expression. In fact, both initiatives sought to encourage children and youth to dream of being young artists and cultural leaders, deserving of a dignifying life project. Thanks to your credibility and trust in our work, we have been able to organize creative activities and events where the community of Cazucá has seen that, despite living in a complicated reality, it is possible to reach your goals and demonstrate to the world that Cazucá dreams on.
Festival Cazuca Dreams
Jul 3, 2014
By Natalia Duarte Caceres | Communications and Resource Coordinator
Recording with Fonseca
In our last report, we told you about the creation of our new audiovisual and recording center “Labzucá”. Labzucá is a creative center for audiovisual production that is equipped with some of the latest digital recording and audiovisual technologies. This is a space where sharing, imagination and creativity are used as tools to promote positive social change and sense of belonging. Labzucá’s main goal is to provide economic opportunities for residents and give Tiempo de Juego more visibility, triggering possible new future partnerships.
In june, our dream came true. A Latin-American well known singer, Fonseca, came to visit our studio Labzucá and he even recorded a song with some of the community cultural leaders that have made up their own musical band: 12 Pasos Flow. Fonseca and 12 Pasos Flow sang a song –composed by the youth from Cazucá – supporting Colombia’s soccer team participation in the World Cup as well as encouraging people to play and use soccer for triggering peace and positive social transformation.
Thanks to your support, this dream has come true. You can now watch a video song that has attracted national media, hence giving visibility to Tiempo de Juego’s activities and changing imaginaries of what it means to live in Cazucá:
Apr 25, 2014
By Natalia Duarte Caceres | Communications and Resource Coordinator
Community's young cultural manager
In April 26, 2014th Tiempo de Juego will be inaugurating its creative laboratory, “Labzucá”, a place that will be ran and used by youth from the community of Cazucá. We are convinced of the positive impact culture has on local development and social cohesion and the convening power of audiovisuals and music amidst the youth. Labzucá will offer a place where sharing, imagination and creativity will be used as tools to promote positive social change and sense of belonging. This creative laboratory will also permit youth to receive training and learn new technologies that will encourage them to dream in being young artists and cultural managers with a dignifying life project.
Thanks to Llorona Records, our main partner in this project, qualification programs will be developed in Labzucá, training youth in audiovisual creation and music production. Finally, it is thanks your confidence in our mission that we have been able to create a place that will trigger the democratization of cultural resources and technology in a community where there are many young latent talents but few opportunities and trust. With your support, Labzucá will now be home of young creators, journalists and musicians that, in the short-term, will be able to record their own dreams.
Labzuca before the artistic equipment's arrival