The Foundation "Junto Con los Ninos" (JUCONI) is a non profit founded in Ecuador in 1995. JUCONI intervenes in the most vulnerable areas of Guayaquil where Ecuadorian children and their families are exposed to high risk situations. Common realities in these areas include child labor, violence, extreme poverty and social exclusion. JUCONI provides specialized services including at home therapeutic visits, peer to peer mentoring programs, camping retreats and trainings for community leaders.
Children and adolescents who are excluded socially face daily situations of extreme poverty, violence family and limited opportunities for access to education, health, among others, leaving traces not only physical but also emotional, affecting their development and negatively impact their relationships with others. JUCONI seeks to break inter-generational patterns of violence and negligence. And further contribute to child development by promoting academic continuity.
Our innovative methodology of working with children and families impacted by different forms of violence has been the cornerstone of the strategy, recognized by internationally Organizations: UNESCO, the Consortium for Street Children, Tavistock Clinic and the World Bank. Through daily psychotherapeutic visits to the children and their families, in addition to the community violence prevention workshops, we are integrally transforming the live of the youth.
The children and their families learn from their experiences, develop self-esteem and build healthy relationships. Through our methodology we break intergenerational patterns of violence and neglect in children, adolescents and their families. As a consequence, children draw up life plans in which they plan to study, work and be a positive role model in Guayaquils society. This investment not only transforms childrens life but also their families.
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