Project empowers 500 climate-disaster stricken -people ( IDPs, Returnees, locals, Persons with disabilities and Minorities through: 1.Gender-sensitive / inter-clan Water and Land management Committee for peaceful mitigation of resource-based conflicts. 2.Climate change Training/sensitization on Sustainable Enterprises ..production of briquettes and energy conserving cooking stoves 3.Planting climate resilient plants through Community e.g sisals, acacia, mahogany..teek,sorghum, millet
Extreme climatic conditions in form of floods and drought heighten poverty, Sexual and Gender Based Violence, food and nutrition insecurity, mortalities, resource-based conflicts and constant soil erosion. Charcoal-burning is a major source of income. while improper solid waste disposal is a potential environmental and human health risk.
Briquette production contributes to renewable energy by seeking alternative source of energy for cooking instead of plant-based charcoal thus reducing carbon emissions. Planting and advocating for indigenous climate change resistant / sustainable plants and crops e.g acacia, teek, millet, sorghum, sisal ..for domestic and commercial purposes reduce soil /nutrient erosion, floods / drought. Production of Energy efficient stoves reduce carbon emissions, and for income generation
Awareness on Climate Change and Environmental impact on peace, justice and food security. Increased production of briquettes replace charcoal Increased sustainable forest coverage, reduced soils and mineral erosion and drought Improved all-gender sensitive inter-clan climate-environmental mitigations leading to reduced Sexual-Gender -Based violence 300 Women/ Girls with 25 Persons with Disabilities 150 Men/Boys with 50 Persons with Disabilities
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